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Current trap counts through October 15th, 2019

    • The average last week was 1.36 moths/day, but that value was greatly influenced by 2 locations: site 8 remains high, and site 14 had a huge increase in trap catch ( < 1 to 8 per day in 1 week).
    • 73% of traps had a positive catch last week (at least 1 armyworm detected in pheromone trap)
    • Late season activity is to be expected, and true armyworm moths are not deterred by cool, rainy weather.
    • In 2018, none of the traps exceeded 3 moths/day in mid-October, and the highest count recorded was 5.5 moths/day.
    • In 2019, a few locations have been consistently above 3 moths/day since early August.

      Numbers indicate adult true armyworm moths (Mythimna unipuncta) detected from pheromone traps placed throughout the region. Remember: larvae are the damaging phase and usually appear about  25 days after a spike in adult activity. However, this estimate can vary widely and depends on many factors (temperature, migration, natural enemies, pest management strategies, etc.). In fact, investigating the relationship between trap catches and damage in the field is a main objective of this research.

      For questions or more information, contact us (click here)
graph of 2018 vs 2019 counts per trap