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Getting Together On Going On

  December 7th, 2011

I just came across this new social network, designed specifically for students and teachers, for interacting “after class’.


and an interview with the networks creator, ceo Jon Corshen.




Beverly Nelson

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3 Responses to “Getting Together On Going On”

  1. Interesting site, Beverly. I know that one of the complaints about using an LMS is that the space disappears for the students as soon as the course is over. For those who want to continue in a community to share ideas, this would certainly be one idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Comment by Karen Watte - December 7th, 2011 @ 11:45 am
  2. That’s what I’ve heard also. I met someone that works for Concordia in Portland who graduated from OSU Art Dept in Graphic Design today, and she was sharing with me how important it’s been for her to remain connected to the same group of students she had been in classes with. Although they didn’t have a facebook page to share while in school, still you can see what a positive difference it makes on students to have a connection that continues after they’ve graduated. I know from my own experience how important it has been for me to have an ongoing connection both here and with alum and faculty in Chicago. It’s very encouraging as well as useful for critical feedback whenever I need it.

    Comment by Beverly Nelson - December 7th, 2011 @ 7:22 pm
  3. Let me first tell you, Beverly, that I admire you for having such a great ideas about area that everyone nowadays is finding as so useful-taking online courses. Even more so, by sharing with us about the existing of such social network. Thanks a lot!

    Comment by Moving to France - March 19th, 2012 @ 6:53 am

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