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Settling the Score in Film Music

  October 23rd, 2011

Much of the content in my film music history class depends on being able to hear and see the examples. I am always combing the internet for new content and appreciate the list that was set up by Shannon.

I have enclosed a podcast series on the use of foley (the use of sound effects in film music). I think students would find this part fun. I would have them listen to this and then pick out fun you tube clips with an historical account of how foley is used in film. Students may even want to use their own cell phones to record foley (and submit to the discussion).

“Sound Ideas Podcast #8, The Legacy of Jack Foley” – itunes (free podcast)







2 Responses to “Settling the Score in Film Music”

  1. Dana, I’m not sure if this thought will be useful for you, but I’ll toss it out there just in case. One of the channels I listen to on Pandora is “Film Scores Radio.” Since Pandora is free and is accessible from a variety of devices, I wonder if you could use this resource for some sort of activity in your class?

    Comment by Shannon Riggs - October 24th, 2011 @ 11:00 am
  2. Dana,
    I love show tunes and wanted to listen – but I couldn’t find the podcast link you posted.
    Can you post it again,

    Comment by Sara Jameson - October 27th, 2011 @ 12:40 pm

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