What does your dorm look like?

Quality of Housing

Arnav Bhutani

Oregon State University (OSU) policy states that all freshmen must live on-campus during their first year as a part of the Universities’ first year experience program. It is already clear that the costs of the meal plan and dorms are too high. However, the situation is made worse when looking at the inconsistencies and the poor quality of the dorms for the students to choose from.

The quality of on campus halls is abysmal. The majority of Halls on campus are doubles measuring 15 feet by 12 feet for two people. Totaling around 90 square feet per a person in their dorm room, not including their desks, closets and beds. All dorms feature extremely small and uncomfortable ‘extra-large’ twin mattresses. Students are expected to cram their possessions wherever they fit. Many halls such as Sacket Hall were built over sixty years ago, and it shows. Power outlets are limited, rooms and furniture smell right after move in and the floor plan is archaic, with walls which reduce floor space and only serve to make the small rooms smaller. No dorms have AC systems, so older dorms become extremely warm during the spring and summer months. Students have to wait multiple weeks before seeing things like door scanners, laundry machines and elevators get serviced.


Finley Hall’s floorplan is shown below.

Finley Hall, Oregon State University – Room Plan

The amount of space per a person in Finley greatly contrasts with that of other halls such as West Hall, which is displayed below.


West Hall Floor Plan

As you can see, each room in West hall not only seems to have more than double the space of Finley, but also has a private, built in bathroom, and a separate desk and sleeping area for each resident. This floorplan isn’t even the most extravagant out there. The ILLC, Tebeau Hall, and Halsel Hall also accommodate more space per a person than in Finley Hall.

It is clear that the various dorms at OSU need to be upgraded. Even while looking at options just on campus, it is clear that certain halls give their occupants more space and amenities than others. While all dorms could use an upgrade, the school should focus on remodeling those that have fallen behind the standard set by halls such as West, Tebeau, Halsel and the ILLC.

3 Replies to “What does your dorm look like?”

  1. West Hall requires that two people live in room A, and two in room B (not one in each as you seemed to have assumed). That means that compared to Finley, sure, West Hall residents have a 255 sq ft room, and Finley only 186 sq ft, but it’s not “double the space”.

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