On 2/4, we had the first embedded workshop, where we flashed code onto attiny85 microcontrollers (just 8-pin dip in breadboards), demonstrating some basic IO, timing, and power related things. The goal of this is to show that you can get away with quite a bit even with an extremely simple AVR chip. Details are below:
There will likely be a part 2 to this in the near future (TBD), though we may move to a different chip.
Options for a second workshop
- JTAG debugging
- One wire interfaces
- Software interrupts & in depth interrupts
- Watchdog timer
- Types of pins
- Application specific things (LCD, SD cards)
Senior design students, remember that the class requirements are about the same as last term:
- Attend 2 meetings
- Attend an event
- Generate some online content (add to the tutorials page, write a post, spend time on Slack).