Kamila Almurzayeva’s Portfolio Page


Kamila Almurzayeva is an undergraduate student at Oregon State University in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

My resume: Resume

Sensor Calibration with MATLAB

During my junior year, I worked on Sensor Calibration with MATLAB project during my Junior Design Class.

The statement for the project follows: In this project, You will use MATLAB to display raw and calibrated data for a thermistor. Additionally, you will display the resistance of an attached photocell. Both of these datasets are to be displayed real-time on a single graph with multiple Y-axis. The thermistor graph will display thermistor resistance, temperature based on a linear approximation, temperature based on the Steinhart-Hart model, a running average of one of the models, and finally the difference (%) between the two temperature models.

My team and I built a simple circuit with a thermistor, a photocell, two 10K resistors and 5V source. The thermistor in series with 10K resistors was in parallel with the photocell in series the other 10K resistor. We connected an end of thermistor near resistor to the analog in pin of Arduino, A0, and we also connected an end of photocell near resistor to another analog in pin of Arduino, A1.

I personally programmed Arduino to read in analog information from the pins A0 and A1, which correspond to the voltage across 10K resistors in 0-1023 format since analog read returns 10bit information. I converted that to be in 0-5 format since that corresponds to the voltage we had as a source, then using simple KCL equation I figured out thermistor and photocell resistances. Since that all was done in the loop function, resistances were updating all the time. Now we needed that information to go to the MATLAB. To do that I used serial communication, I initialized serial communication at 9600 bits per second and another line of code after I get thermistor and photocell resistances to print them on serial communication. That allowed our team to get information serially to the MATLAB.

Computer Graphics Final Project

Final Project for Computer Graphics class requires students to design the project, which is doable within the week.

My project proposal:

I am thinking of cubic rubic like object, where each rube is disconnected and transparent, and in the middle, it’s is no a cube, but a white sphere. When a certain key is pressed sphere would light up, with a light shining through the small holes between the cubes. In the first 3 sec, the light would be white, then slowly turn into some soft color (smooth transition) by the 10th sec. While is changing its color, cubes would become less transparent, and once the light is the target color, a cube would explode (transition into the different positions smoothly).

As of 11/29/2018 screenshots of my project are in this google drive:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Right now, it’s halfway done. I have created a cubic rubic like object where each cube is disconnected, cubes’ width, height, and length are 1 units, while the distance between them is .1 units. In the middle of cubic rubic is not another cube but the white sphere. By default cube are transparent so you can see through them so you can see the white sphere. When ‘0’ is pressed on the keyboard, sphere lights up (white color). When sphere lights up, cubes become less transparent and light changes it’s color slowly to match the object. As of now, this is where I have stopped. I have only explosions to create, which will happen when light’s color is the target color. Where my target color is light pink. I choose that color because it’s easy on the eye.

12/07/2018: Done. Link: Video

Command line arguments using Boost Library

I have used Boost Libraries for my project to get user input through the command line arguments.

I have attached the photos of the basic code for that down below:
Code part 1
Code part 2

And this is the outputs of the code:
Test of the code