Creating an Arduino Controlled App

This tutorial was very helpful in getting me starting with my capstone project. This link is useful for those of you trying to create an Android app to control your processor. The reason I say processor is because it doesn’t necessarily work exclusively for the Arduino. Once you get the main concepts from the code, you can implement this by using another app creator other than the MIT App Inventor.


Building an App Using Xamarin.Forms

Hi all,

If anyone is interested in building an app, a useful way of doing it is by utilizing Xamaring.Forms on Visual Studio. This has an emulator that allows you to see how the app looks on either an Android or Apple device. A link with all this information can be found here. Note that behind the scenes, C# use will be necessary.

Question Regarding CSS and HTML Content

While working on my local host site, I came across a template that, aside from the HTML file, had a CSS file. Is there any way to embed this onto the HTML file I already have? The reason I ask is because when I open up my localhost site on a browser, the formatting is wrong due to the fact that there are missing format instructions. In other words, it is only opening the HTML file and not including the CSS. If there’s no way to embed it, is there a way to allow the localhost to pull the information needed from the CSS file?