A State Relations Conference Call in Real Life

As Extension Educators, we rely on conference calls to stay informed, keep projects moving forward and for professional development opportunities at a distance. As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere (literally – check out Lakeview, Oregon on a map!), I appreciate being able to connect via a call to decrease the amount of “windshield time.” For those of us in the West, conference calls are vital to connecting, as we generally serve larger geographical areas than our colleagues in different areas of the United States. Yet, as much as I appreciate using conference calls as a tool – I greatly enjoy the Conference Call in Real Life skit. If you have not checked it out, please do – you will not be disappointed!

Throughout the year, the Regional Directors stay connected through monthly State Relations conference calls. Our agenda includes updates from the President and other committees as necessary. We take time to share the progress on projects in the works. Currently, we are working on updating the State Officers Handbook, State Relations Handbook and planning the NAE4-HA State Officers Workshop in New Orleans. Over the last nine months, I have appreciated the regularly-scheduled State Relations calls! It allows us the opportunity to connect and share ways to best serve our members.

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