Austria Looks To Oregon For Camelid Expertise
August 23rd, 2017
The clinical skills lab at the Veterinary Medicine University Vienna features many animal models for practicing things like physical exams and inserting catheters.
The First International Camelid Congress in Vienna, Austria featured four speakers from Oregon, including Dr. Chris Cebra, Dean Sue Tornquist, and OSU alum Rachel Oxley. OSU has been a world leader in camelid research for thirty years. Dr. Cebra has written or co-authored over 70 scientific articles concerning camelids, and has been involved with over 40 camelid research projects.
Nearly thirty camelid owners and sixty veterinarians attended the two-day conference at the Veterinary Medicine University Vienna. Camelids are becoming more popular in Austria, and the conference sought to broaden attendees knowledge of camelid medicine.
The third oldest vet school in the world, Veterinary Medicine University Vienna has more than 2000 students. “Its interesting to see a different approach. There is a lot of attrition as they go through the five-year program; over 200 start in a class and they only graduate about 100,” says Dr. Tornquist. ” These students are right out of high school so they are learning undergrad at the same time they are starting their veterinary education.”
While attending the conference, Dr. Tornquist took a tour of the college where she was particularly interested in their clinical skills lab which contained many models for practicing things like placing catheters and palpating. She would like to create a similar lab at OSU. “In Europe they do a lot more with models and keep the use of live animals to a minimum,” she said. “We are looking at the best way to combine models and live animals to give our students the best experience. For example, we start to teach physical exams in the ‘Animal Care and Handling’ class. Then in the second year, they are expected to do physical exams in anesthesia class, and we have felt they are not quite as prepared as they could be. Physical exams are one of those things you need to practice over and over to feel confident about your proficiency.”
OSU College of Veterinary Medicine currently has several animal models including those that allow students to listen to different heart or lung sounds, and models they can bandage or suture. “If we’re really going to do this right, we need to add more,” says Dr. Tornquist.
Enthusiastic High Schoolers Try Out Veterinary College
August 23rd, 2017Every summer the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine introduces a group of academically talented, low-income, and minority high school students to the world of veterinary medicine through the OSU Summer Veterinary Experience. The program represents one of many initiatives at OSU that support President Ray’s mission to promote diversity at the university. It also gives the participants an early introduction to college life, and helps them learn teamwork and leadership skills.
Last week, twenty-four carefully-selected young people with a passion for animals moved into the Cauthorn dorm, ate in the dining hall, and attended classes at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Mentors and faculty from the college introduced them to veterinary topics like equine acupuncture, small animal rehabilitation, surgery skills, and animal anatomy. The participants also worked on a research project.
“Our faculty work hard to provide interesting, real-world classes that will engage the interest of these talented young people,” says Dean Susan Tornquist. “Many past participants came to the program with a vague interest in veterinary medicine, among other fields, but they left with a passion for the profession.”

Joy Moore looks through a refractometer to measure total protein of a blood sample.
Admittance to the program is based on academic performance, family income, ethnic background, and a written essay. Twenty of the students selected were from cities and towns in Oregon. This year’s students have a 3.69 grade point average.
“Many of the attending students come from low-income families. This program gives them a glimpse into college life they may not have had otherwise,” says admissions coordinator Tess Collins. “Our goal is to provide a realistic understanding of the field of veterinary medicine, and to get participants excited about higher education, even if they decide veterinary medicine isn’t for them.”
The program offers scholarships, including housing and meals, to students who meet established criteria. The application cycle will be open again in March 2018. For more information, visit
The Summer Veterinary Experience would not be possible without the following volunteers:
- Sara Smith
- Brian Dolan
- Dan Rockey
- Luiz Bermudez
- Claire Couch
- Ling Jin
- Maureen Larson
- Stephany Vasquez-Perez
- Nadette Stang
- Liz Harbert
- Pat Chappell
- Janell Bishop-Steward
- Travis Feldsher
- Dr. DeMorias
- Dr. McKenzie
- Dr. Magnusson
- Dr. Jennifer Johns
- Dr. Scollan
- Dr. Jana Gordon
- Dr. Meritet
- Dr. Semevolos
- Dr. Allende
- Dr. Mecham
A Pair of Bassetts Brighten Up the Hospital
July 13th, 2017
Dr. Alaina Moon and Dr. Silvia Funes with clients Gari Aman and Barb Hansen.
Repeat clients of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital often become friends. Barb Hansen and Geri Aman have been bringing their family of Basset Hounds to the VTH for years and are everyone’s favorite visitors. “Dr. Moon and I love when they come to the hospital,” says Dr. Silivia Funes. “I love how sweet and stubborn the dogs are and they have the best dog moms ever.”
On a recent visit, Hansen and Amen brought a cheery gift for the hospital: a portrait of their dogs, Gus and Maron, by Corvallis artist Carrie Tasman. It now hangs in the exam room hallway.
“They are exceptional clients,” says Dr. Funes. “They even invited us to Gus’s fourteenth birthday party last year.”
First OSU Pathology Course A Big Hit
July 13th, 2017OSU hosted its first Davis-Thompson Foundation Descriptive Veterinary Pathology Course in June and Dr. Christiane Lohr worked hard to make it a great event. “Since the course paradigm shifted to vet schools hosting, we are never certain what kind of conditions we will have,” says course organizer Paul Stromberg. “We rely heavily on local faculty helping us and the results are variable. Oregon State and Dr. Lohr did a superb job and helped us to focus on the teaching part. An important part of the success was due to her efforts to make things run smoothly.”
Forty pathologists attended from thirteen states plus Canada and Australia. “Evaluations from participants were very favorable,” says Dr. Lohr. ” People really enjoyed the mock exams and active learning exercises, as well as the individual feedback from instructors. They also enjoyed meeting trainees from other institutions, which helps them make personal connections for study purposes, and learn how things are done at other institutions.”
The course is an opportunity for veterinary pathologists develop and refine their skills in describing gross and microscopic lesions in a variety of major organs in numerous animal species, as well as describing and interpreting cytology specimens, electron micrographs, and immunohistochemical stains.
New Wellness and Counseling Program Serves Many Needs
July 3rd, 2017Alex Rowell had a busy year as the first-ever counselor and wellness coordinator for the College of Veterinary Medicine. He lectured in the third-year Practice Management class, coordinated three guest lectures, served on a PVMA wellness panel, had private appointments with dozens of DVM students, and gave a presentation to hospital staff on compassion fatigue.
In addition to providing in-person counseling to faculty, staff and students, Rowell also focused on making a long-term impact on the CVM culture in general. One step he is taking toward a culture shift is the dissemination of information on good nutrition. “I don’t think I would have been very popular if, right off the bat, I took everyone’s Red Bulls and iced coffee [out of the vending machines],” he says “Mainly, I just want to bring awareness to healthy decision-making and awareness of certain non-healthy food and drink options. For example, an 11-ounce Red Bull energy drink has 48.5 grams of sugar in it when the recommend sugar intake for adults is about 25 grams per day.”
Rowell also writes a Wednesday Wellness email to share the latest research and useful information on topics like getting enough sleep, finding time to exercise, and treating yourself with kindness. His online survey revealed that a large majority of the college found these emails helpful.
All this hard work is not without rewards. “When I arrived last August, I was not sure what this position would look like, but I have really enjoyed meeting with faculty, staff and students who are so passionate about their work and education.” He has been assisting some of the students throughout the entire year and really enjoys that. “To see them grow, not just as professionals, but as people is truly amazing,” he says. “I am amazed at how brilliant, motivated, empathic, loving, and funny our students are.”
With a program that is so new, Rowell is on the lookout for ways to keep improving it. “One thing I got from the surveys I have done is that yoga is really popular here at the college, so I want to bring that back.” He is looking for a certified yoga instructor who can conduct onsite classes next school year. He also wants to provide more flexible office hours. “This positon was created to meet the needs of the students, so if someone can only meet for 15 or 30 minutes that it totally fine.” He also would like to collaborate with faculty at the college. “The faculty I have met have been very nice and welcoming, but as a mental health profession in a veterinary medicine world, sometimes I feel like a fish out of water.”
Dean Susan Tornquist worked with OSU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to create Rowell’s position. “Having Alex on our staff adds important support for students in maintaining their emotional, mental and physical health,” she says. “The feedback we’ve gotten, after Alex being here almost one year, is that he is serving an important role in the College and students very much appreciate the attention we are giving to their well-being.”