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Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Using Cross-Species Information To Fight Cancer

April 15th, 2019

Feline Injection Site Sarcoma (FISS) is an uncommon, but aggressive skin tumor that can develop at the location of a vaccination in cats. Currently, the most effective treatment is radical surgery followed by radiotherapy.

Researchers at the Carson College of Veterinary Medicine recently published a study in BioMed Central that may help develop other treatments for FISS.

A team of researchers that included Drs. Stephen Ramsey and Christiane Löhr, demonstrated that FISS is, at the molecular level, highly similar to soft-tissue tumors in dogs and humans, and therefore may respond well to treatments used for those diseases. The team also identified eleven drugs as potential new therapies, and validated in the laboratory that one drug (GSK-105615) does inhibit growth of FISS-derived cancer cells.

This was the first ever study of the transcriptome (all the messenger RNA molecules in a specific gene) of FISS, and the first cross-species comparison of FISS with other cancers.

“This work brought together contributions of tissue from OSU, Colorado State University and the Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute; bioinformatics expertise from OSU; and cancer expertise from all three institutions,” says Ramsey.

Caring Veterinarian Inspires A Scholarship

March 26th, 2019

Jon and Carolyn Kreitz created a scholarship inspired by their family veterinarian, Dr. Steven Haley (Class of 2001)

The Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine (CCVM) provides a top-notch education to the best and the brightest students, and while veterinary college is a rewarding journey, it is a difficult and expensive one. Scholarships provide critical financial relief, but equally important, a scholarship tells a student:  Keep working hard, someone believes in you.

Jon and Carolyn Kreitz recently made that vote of confidence in veterinary students by endowing the Grace L. Kreitz Scholarship in honor of Jon Kreitz mother, who was a lifelong animal lover. The endowment will provide $8,000 to one student every year.

The Kreitz’s were inspired to make this gift by the excellent care their pets have received from OSU alum Dr. Steven Haley (Class of 2001). “We hope our scholarship will help the next generation of veterinary professionals so other families can experience first-hand the professionalism, expertise, and caring Dr. Haley has provided our family,” says Jon Kreitz.

Last month, the Kreitz’s braved a construction zone to visit Magruder Hall and meet with Dean Tornquist to learn about her vision for the future of CCVM. They were given a tour of the expanding facilities by hospital director Dr. Helio deMorais. “Carlson College is in good hands with these two professionals,” says Kreitz.

Carolyn Kreitz is a graduate of Lewis & Clark College and Jon Kreitz a graduate of the University of Oregon, where he was assisted by an academic scholarship.

“We feel it is important to help others gain the opportunity for higher education. With the high cost of education, in a small way we hope we can assist future generations of veterinary students.”

Visit the CCVM scholarship web page to read testimonials from students on what their scholarship meant to them.




Peaches Joins The Herd

March 26th, 2019

The teaching herd welcomed a new member last month: Peaches, a seven-year old llama. To say the camelid herd welcomed her is a bit of an overstatement: They’re not too keen on sharing the apple treats and one of the males, Mon Amore, bullies her. But Peaches can take care of herself and has quickly become the favorite ‘petting’ llama in the college.

“She has a great personality,” says farm manager Kasey Pedder.

“She is the only llama in the herd who will let you pet her,” says Beth Chamblin, Assistant to the Dean. Chamblin occasionally takes the llama herd apples. “Ella hogs all the apples and Mon Amore blocks Peaches when she tries to get some, but she outsmarts him by pretending she’s not interested until he turns away, then she makes a run for it.”

The camelid herd now has 8 llamas and 19 alpacas. Oregon State University is known around the world as a leader in camelid medicine. Many of the standard protocols for treating llamas and alpacas were developed at OSU, for example, the first blood reference ranges, and the first guide for safe and effective vitamin supplementation. Today, OSU publishes twice as much scientific research on camelid medicine as any other university.

Every summer, veterinary students come from all over the U.S. and Canada to take a two-week camelid medicine elective. They get lots of hands-on experience, and this summer a lucky group of students will get to work with Peaches.


Continuing Education: Evaluation of Blood Smears

March 8th, 2019

Practicing veterinarians and veterinary technicians are invited to attend a free continuing education course at the OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine in April: Beyond the Numbers – Cytologic Evaluation of Blood Smears and use of Flow Cytometry Data – Helpful or Painful? 

Course Description: Recent advances in the field of bench top/point-of-care hematology analyzers have greatly improved both acquisition and analysis of peripheral blood in animals.  However, limitations still exist in the ability of automated analyzers to appropriately identify many cell types and for clinicians to understand and apply assay data. Furthermore, no analytic analyzer is capable of detecting and identifying hemoparasites, nucleated erythrocytes or morphologic changes.  Therefore, this review will revisit the importance of visual examination of well-prepared blood smears in addition to the complete blood count (CBC). Additionally, interpretation of flow cytograms, which are now commonplace for many point-of-care analyzers, will briefly be described.

Presented by: Dr. Elena Gorman, associate professor of clinical pathology.

Date: Thursday, April 11th,  7:00 – 8:00 pm. Appetizers are served at 6:15.

Location: Magruder Hall room 102, 700 NW 30th St., Corvallis 97331

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Sara.k.smith@oregonstate.edu.


On International Women’s Day, Celebrate Female Veterinarians

March 8th, 2019

In 1944, Dr. Dorothy Segal was one of only 55 female veterinarians practicing in the U.S.

When Dr. Dorothy Segal enrolled in the Michigan State University preveterinary program in the 1930s, she had already overcome some challenges—a car crash delayed her planned entrance into college by almost six years—but it quickly became clear that there would be other hurdles in front of Dorothy and the other young women in her class.

“There were seven girls in my class, and that was considered to be just an enormous amount (of women in veterinary school),” said Dr. Segal, now age 90. “The dean at the time did not want women. He said, ‘Go back to the kitchen.’ He literally said that. The first speech he gave was, ‘What are you doing here?’ and he was not joking. I thought to myself, I’m going to make friends with that man if it kills me. … Ultimately, we really became friends.”

If Dr. Segal and her classmates were trailblazers, then the trail is officially open—wide open. Today, women outnumber men in veterinary classes by more than 3-to-1, and approximately 61 percent of U.S. veterinarians are women.*

*Source: American Veterinary Medical Association

Dean Tornquist Receives OVMA President’s Award

March 7th, 2019

The Oregon Veterinary Medical Association gives the President’s Award to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to veterinary medicine. This year’s recipient was Dean Tornquist.

By: Dr. Amelia Simpson, OVMA President

One of truest pleasures I have had during my time on the Board of the OVMA has been the interaction with the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine here at OSU. I was a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania before I moved to Oregon 12 years ago and I hadn’t realize how much I missed interacting with the students…their energy is palpable and its exciting to be around them. During these last 3 years, I have been afforded the opportunity to be a part of the White Coat Ceremonies for the first year students and even to participate in a couple of ethics lectures for SAVMA. I’ve been so inspired spending time with the veterinary students and I feel the profession is in good hands. But when I reflect on the Why of that feeling—what comes up for me is that the credit goes to Dr. Sue Tornquist, Dean of the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dean Tornquist reports to the OVMA Board as an ex-officio and in that capacity she gives an update on the College at every Board meeting. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that she is one busy lady!! The College is growing leaps and bounds under her amazing leadership—literally and figuratively.  She is currently in the midst of a multi-million dollar facilities expansion, the caseload at the teaching hospital has grown nearly 10% a year for the last five years, and class enrollment has expanded.

Dean Tornquist is a seriously accomplished scholar, scientist, professor, and administrator. From the quarterly updates, I see how much effort she is putting in to make certain her students thrive. From doing all she can to fundraise for scholarships to help offset the rising costs of becoming a veterinarian to bringing a wellness counselor for the school, and the list goes on….

What I’ve seen and why I would like to honor her today with the OVMA President’s Award this year is her uncanny ability to lead and inspire this group of high achievers. When I asked one of the 3rd year students what she thought of Dean Tornquist her reply was an enthusiastic “I adore her!”  And that sums it up in a nutshell. She has a connection with the students, a relationship that, at the risk of being totally corny, is a beautiful thing to see.

I am pleased to present the President’s Award to Dr. Sue Tornquist. I wish you continued success and happiness throughout your life and your career and I look forward to our paths crossing in the future.

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