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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Zoo, Wildlife, and Exotic Animal Symposium at OSU

April 9th, 2015

lemursExpand your knowledge of non-traditional animal medicine at the OSU Zoo, Wildlife, and Exotic Animal Symposium April 25 & 26, 2015 in Magruder Hall on the OSU campus.

There will be talks on many different topics, including comparative anesthesia by Dr. Alcantar from Wildlife Safari, surgical repair of elbow luxation in raptors by Dr. Ackermann from the American Wildlife Foundation, cheetah artificial insemination by Dr. Montilla from Oregon State University, and many more.

There will also be hands-on wet labs where you can expand your clinical skills. These will include wildlife necropsy techniques and diagnostic procedures in exotic animal medicine. Please note that wet lab registration and payment ($10 per lab) will take place at the time of the symposium.

CE credits will be offered for attending veterinarians and veterinary technicians.  To register, or for more information, including a full symposium schedule, visit the symposium website.

Our Hero: Kay Fischer

March 30th, 2015

The Professional Faculty Leadership Association provides development, support, and networking opportunities for professional faculty at OSU. They recently presented Kay Fischer, Histology Lab Manager in the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, with the OSU Hero Award.

Shelly Signs, OSU Director of Events, joined faculty and staff in presenting the award and congratulating Fischer.

Fischer“OSU represents and supports, communication, hard work, achievement of goals, equal opportunity and cultural diversity,” says Signs. “Kay represents these qualities in her management style, preferring to describe her and her workers as a goal-oriented, equal opportunity team.  She sets the standard for working hard and takes great pride in the high quality of the lab’s operations.”

Kay was nominated by Margaret Sparrow who says: “Kay works and communicates well with others. With her knowledge, background and attention to detail, she is able to communicate seamlessly with veterinary personnel and and outside clients who have questions or concerns about the testing that is performed in her lab at the VDL.”


Thirty Years of Camelid Research at OSU

March 24th, 2015

Huber_llama-(2)At the International Camelid Medicine Conference in Corvallis last week, Dr. Chris Cebra presented a slide show highlighting thirty years of camelid medical research at OSU. Oregon State was a leader in early camelid medical research, including the development of safe and effective sedative and anesthetic techniques, and were among the first to develop blood reference ranges.

In 1986, when Oregon llama owners gathered at the Buell Grange Hall to form an new association, one of their goals was to support camelid medical research at OSU. At that time, little was know about camelid health. “In the early 1980s, if you had a sick llama, it was often a dead llama,” says Cebra.

Cebra’s presentation included lots of great old photos, including some faculty you may recognize.

Researchers Collaborate on Support of Amazon Fish

March 13th, 2015

Tim-Jen-ChristianeBy Jennifer (Grossman) Sargent, DVM

Three OSU veterinarians- Drs. Christiane Löhr, Tim Miller-Morgan, and Jen (Grossman) Sargent- recently returned from a 2 week expedition in Brazil. The trip was organized by Project Piaba, a group whose mission is to promote the sustainable harvest of the Rio Negro’s aquatic resources.

The Rio Negro, a major tributary of the Amazon River, is home to a variety of beautiful freshwater fish that are popular in the ornamental fish trade, such as the cardinal tetra and the discus. The trade in these fish promotes rainforest conservation, since a viable fishery is dependent on healthy fish habitat, but this fishery faces significant logistical and economic challenges.

The Project Piaba expedition brings together veterinarians, public aquarists, industry experts, and other stakeholders to better understand the current state of the ornamental fish trade in the region and to support local efforts to make improvements.  Dr. Miller-Morgan coordinated an on-board seminar series and training program for our Brazilian partners. Drs. Löhr and Sargent assisted Dr. Miller-Morgan with the fish health training aspect of the trip.

Of course, the group also took time to enjoy the Amazon. While cruising up and down the river in two very well-appointed boats, the Iracema and the Dorinha, the expedition made stops for wildlife viewing, swimming with pink river dolphins, celebrating the Ornamental Fish Festival of Barcelos, and touring the historic city of Manaus. Sound like fun? Project Piaba does an annual expedition in late January/early February and there are often open spots available for curious adventurers. You too can be doing fish necropsies while watching thAmazonCanoee Amazon rainforest float by!

For more information contact Drs. Miller-Morgan (tim.miller-morgan@oregonstate.edu), Löhr (christiane.loehr@oregonstate.edu), or Sargent (jennifer.grossman@oregonstate.edu).

Jennifer Sargent is a Laboratory Animal Medicine Resident and Graduate Research Assistant in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine.


Make Time for OLEADS: It Will Change Your Life

March 13th, 2015
As part of the OLEADS leadership experience, students play 'Minute to Win It.'

As part of the OLEADS leadership experience, students play ‘Minute to Win It.’

by Kelsey Scanlan

I felt my gut begin to wrench as winter break came to an end. Anxious, I worried that only a few weeks off weren’t going to be enough to recover from the whirlwind that was my first quarter in veterinarian school. Don’t get me wrong, my excitement about being in the program hadn’t faltered, but it became over shadowed with stress and doubt. I questioned, “Can I do this?” “Will I make a good vet?” “Do I belong here with all of these smart classmates?”

As my mind continued to reel with concerns, a couple of friends from class asked if I would like to attend Oregon Leadership Experience and Dedicated Service (OLEADS) upon coming back from winter break. Feeling like I didn’t have time for this “leadership” experience, I was hesitant to go… “How could I possibly have time for that? I should clearly be studying instead,” I thought silently. Despite my worries I decided to attend, and soon discovered that OLEADS was not only a leadership event, but also an inspirational (and a much needed) one. It turned out to be a life-changing experience that not only improved my confidence in veterinary school, but it helped remind me why I got into this amazing profession in the first place.

OLEADS is a weekend leadership experience designed to give veterinary students and professionals the tools, knowledge, and experience necessary to be emotionally intelligent servant-leaders for the profession. Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

Developing these skills of being a servant leader will not only make you a great veterinarian, but a better and happier one as well. “Simply put, OLEADS changed my life…I wasn’t prepared for the mental and emotional challenges involved with being a new veterinary student, and OLEADS gave me the skills to deal with those. It also taught me that I wasn’t alone and that as veterinary students, we all have a common goal, and each of us has strengths to share with each other. I would recommend that everyone attend OLEADS because you never know what impact it might have on your life,” states Brittany Graham, a current third year student and past OLEADS attendee.

As in the past, an important aim of OLEADS 2015 is bringing happiness back to vet students and to remind you why you belong in this program and profession. OLEADS will exemplify your strengths, and you’ll bond with others over shared concerns. Take leadership of your career and your happiness and register today for OLEADS (April 11-12th). Register online at oleads@yolasite.com for $10.00, which is refundable upon attendance. Contact SCAVMA with any questions at SCAVMAEvents @oregonstate.edu.

Biomedical Sciences Assistant Earns Campus Award

March 5th, 2015

ChamblinThe Professional Faculty Leadership Association provides development, support, and networking opportunities for professional faculty at OSU. They recently selected Beth Chamblin, Assistant to the Department Head in Biomedical Sciences, for their Merit Award.

Dr. Luiz Bermudez, Department Head, joined other faculty and staff in nominating Chamblin. “Beth is exemplary in every way,” says Rhonda Hankins, Assistant to the Dean. “Her institutional knowledge and understanding of the policies and procedures of OSU are surpassed only by her tremendous collegiality.”

The PFLA Merit Award is given each month to recognize and encourage outstanding performance and given to an employee who ‘stands out from the crowd’.

“I was pleasantly shocked to receive the award,” says Chamblin. “I was happy to be recognized for all the work I do. I really like the people I work with and was humbled that someone took time out of their day to nominate me.”


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