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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Student Clubs’ Category

Oregon Department of Ag Speaker

Friday, January 20th, 2012

The College of Veterinary Medicine’s Ag Animal Club is hosting a presentation by Dr. Julie Weikel from the Oregon Department of Agriculture on Wednesday, January 25th at 5 pm in Magruder 102. Dr. Weikel will discuss Bovine Trichomoniasis for the first hour followed by a presentation on large animal veterinary practices. According to Ag Animal […]

Meet A Hearing Dog at CVM

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

On Friday, January 20 at 10:45 am, you can stop by the lobby of Magruder and meet hearing dog, Cherelle and her owner, Karen Brockett. Cherelle was rescued from a shelter by Oregon-based Dogs for the Deaf and trained to assist Karen by alerting her to household sounds that are necessary for everyday safety and […]

One Health One World Fundraiser

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Once again students, faculty, and staff at the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine opened their hearts and wallets to those in need. The annual One Health One World fundraiser at CVM held breakfast sales, cat toy sales, and a penny drive competition between the faculty and each class at CVM. The penny drive alone raised […]

Behind the Scenes at the Aquarium

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

On a blustery January day, eight students from the Zoo, Wildlife and Exotics Student Club (ZWE) stood outside a big cement tank surrounded by chain link fence. Inside the fence were several sea otters having their fishy breakfast. The tank is a holding area for Oregon Aquarium sea otters with health issues. Dr. Dan Lewer, […]

Lots of Giving Going On

Monday, December 5th, 2011

The Magruder Hall atrium is filled with light: some of it natural, some of it LED, and some of it from the spirit of giving that surrounds this year’s holiday tree. Last week, the CVM Shelter Medicine Club decorated the tree with nearly 90 colorful, hand-made ornaments. Each ornament featured the face of an animal […]

Help the Helpers This Holiday Season

Monday, November 7th, 2011

What’s on your holiday shopping list this year? How about a chew toy and a case of cat food? This is National Animal Shelter Appreciation week and the CVM Shelter Medicine Club is hard at work raising money and supplies for local animal shelters. Shelter Medicine Club members regularly volunteer at free clinics for homeless […]

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