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Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

Dr. Jolles receives GRF award

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

OSU Vice President for Research Dr. Richard W. Spinrad notified Dr. Anna Jolles that the proposal she submitted for the General Research Fund (GRF) entitled “Effects of Intensive Forest Management on Health, Immunity, and Infectious Disease Prevalence in Wild Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in the Oregon Coast Range” has been approved for funding. She will […]

MacVicar Scholar Award Lecture

Monday, April 25th, 2011

Can an invasive disease modify the dynamics of a native infection? Specifically, does bovine tuberculosis (BTB), modify the dynamics of a native infection, Rift Valley Fever (RVF), in African buffalo? Dr. Brianna Beechler, a PhD student in the Jolles lab in Biomedical Sciences and 2010 recipient of the MacVicar Scholar Award, presented an update on […]

Dr. Brianna Beechler awarded MAF fellowship

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Brianna Beechler, a PhD student in the Jolles lab in Biomedical Sciences, was awarded a Morris Animal Foundation Fellowship to support her work on disease interactions in African buffalo. The fellowship, worth over $80,000, will provide her with stipend and tuition for two years. After completing her DVM degree at OSU in the spring of […]

Nature study: Loss of biodiversity can increase disease transmission

Monday, December 13th, 2010

CORVALLIS, Ore. – The loss of biodiversity in ecosystems ranging from marine coral reefs to terrestrial forests can increase the transmission of infectious diseases in humans, other animals and plants, according to a new scientific analysis just published in the journal Nature. This connection between two developing crises – emerging novel diseases and unprecedented declines […]

2011 Merial Veterinary Scholars Program approved

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Dr. Susan Tornquist was notified the request for funding in the 2011 Merial Veterinary Scholars Program (MVSP) was approved at the $5,000 level. Since the first round of funding in 2001, the program has supported 49 student projects, amounting to almost $100,000. The generous funding of the program was provided in the past by Merck […]

Faculty participate in 2010 World Buiatrics Congress

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Drs. A. Morrie Craig and Aurora Villarroel participated in the 2010 World Buiatrics Congress (Bovine Veterinarians) held in Santiago, Chile, from November 14 to 18. Over 1600 veterinarians from all over the world attended this biannual congress. Dr. Craig presented a key lecture on mycotoxins and endotoxins in world production. Included in his lecture were […]

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