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Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Faculty and Staff’ Category

Using Cross-Species Information To Fight Cancer

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Feline Injection Site Sarcoma (FISS) is an uncommon, but aggressive skin tumor that can develop at the location of a vaccination in cats. Currently, the most effective treatment is radical surgery followed by radiotherapy. Researchers at the Carson College of Veterinary Medicine recently published a study in BioMed Central that may help develop other treatments for […]

Caring Veterinarian Inspires A Scholarship

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

The Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine (CCVM) provides a top-notch education to the best and the brightest students, and while veterinary college is a rewarding journey, it is a difficult and expensive one. Scholarships provide critical financial relief, but equally important, a scholarship tells a student:  Keep working hard, someone believes in you. Jon and […]

Peaches Joins The Herd

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

The teaching herd welcomed a new member last month: Peaches, a seven-year old llama. To say the camelid herd welcomed her is a bit of an overstatement: They’re not too keen on sharing the apple treats and one of the males, Mon Amore, bullies her. But Peaches can take care of herself and has quickly […]

Continuing Education: Evaluation of Blood Smears

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Practicing veterinarians and veterinary technicians are invited to attend a free continuing education course at the OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine in April: Beyond the Numbers – Cytologic Evaluation of Blood Smears and use of Flow Cytometry Data – Helpful or Painful?  Course Description: Recent advances in the field of bench top/point-of-care hematology analyzers have […]

On International Women’s Day, Celebrate Female Veterinarians

Friday, March 8th, 2019

When Dr. Dorothy Segal enrolled in the Michigan State University preveterinary program in the 1930s, she had already overcome some challenges—a car crash delayed her planned entrance into college by almost six years—but it quickly became clear that there would be other hurdles in front of Dorothy and the other young women in her class. […]

Dean Tornquist Receives OVMA President’s Award

Thursday, March 7th, 2019

By: Dr. Amelia Simpson, OVMA President One of truest pleasures I have had during my time on the Board of the OVMA has been the interaction with the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine here at OSU. I was a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania before I moved to Oregon 12 years ago and I […]

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