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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Faculty and Staff’ Category

Students Get Great Hands-On Experience In Honduras

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

Roatan is a stunningly beautiful island off the coast of Honduras. It’s a popular tourist destination, but most of the local population lives in poverty, and the island has a serious stray dog problem. In September, John Maddigan and Dr. Sheri Morris, owners of Willamette Valley Animal Hospital (WVAH), led a service trip to Roatan […]

Challenge Course Builds Strength, Teamwork, and Friendships

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

Every year the new class of students begins their veterinary college experience with three days of orientation. One whole day is spent on the OSU Challenge Course, participating in team events that help students get ready for the difficult and rewarding years ahead. Here is what the Class of 2020 had to say about it: […]

Semevolos Named Associate Dean

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

On October 1st, Dr. Stacy Semevolos will officially become the Associate Dean of Student and Academic Affairs at the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine. She has served as Interim Dean for one year. Dr. Semevolos received her DVM from the University of Illinois, and was board certified in large animal surgery in 2001. Just this […]

Magruder Tour Surprises Class of ’96

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

The Class of 1996 gathered in Magruder Hall last week for their 20 year reunion. Thirteen alums and their families joined Drs. Tornquist, Riebold, Parker, Huber, and Whitler for brunch. None of the attendees had toured Magruder since the addition of small animal hospital facilities in 2005, and were surprised by how much everything had […]

New Wellness Coordinator and Counselor In Magruder Hall

Thursday, September 15th, 2016

This month, the college welcomed a new wellness coordinator and counselor to the team. Alex Rowell will be developing the college’s new wellness program, as well as providing onsite hours for one-on-one counseling and consultation services. “The wellness part of this job is going to be a cultural shift which I am super excited to […]

OSU At The Heart Of Louisiana Flooding

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

There is no question that the recent flooding in Louisiana requires the time, talents and care of many. OSU is proud to call two of these individuals ours. Dr. Clare M. Scully and Dr. Chiara de Caro Carella have both jumped in to help creatures in need, great and small. Dr. Clare M. Scully recently […]

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