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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Clinics’ Category

Equine Vet Mentors OSU Students

Monday, January 27th, 2014

On a nice, cool morning in November, OSU vet med students gathered at beautiful Vintage Farms in Estacada, Oregon to participate in a castration clinic conducted by Dr. David Asmar of Eagle Fern Equine Hospital. This opportunity for hands-on learning was made possible when Dawn Sayles, who raises championship mini horses at Vintage Farms, approached […]

Labrador Retriever Hunts People For Fun

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Meet the new face of the College of Veterinary Medicine: Lani McIlroy. Lani is a seven year old Labrador Retriever with a gentle, quiet personality, whose photo (taken by VTH Associate Director Ron Mandsager) is now featured on the college Facebook page banner. But what makes her a rock star is her ‘job’ with the […]

Camelid Class Attracts Students From Across U.S. and Canada

Friday, September 20th, 2013

The OSU  llama teaching herd provided good animal-handling experience for DVM students who attended this summer’s Camelid Medicine course. The teaching herd llamas are bigger than average because they serve as blood donors for the hospital. They are also on the older side and pretty clever. In order to practice hoof trimming and dental care, and administer […]

Partnership With Humane Society Celebrates Sixth Anniversary

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Almost 70,000 surgeries, and over 24,000 medical exams later, CVM is joining the Oregon Humane Society in celebrating six productive years of partnership at the Animal Medical Learning Center. Every week, for six years, there have been at least three OSU veterinary students on rotation at the AMLC helping with the tens of thousands of […]

New Equine Medicine Video

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

  The Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital now has a pair of videos on their website. The Small Animal Hospital video takes the viewer on a tour of the hospital from a dog’s-eye point of view, and has been on the website for nearly a year. Just last week, a new video featuring equine […]

School Mascot Has Surgery at CVM

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Sparky is a crowd favorite at the Chintimini Wildlife Center (CWC) near Corvallis where the bald eagle participates in education programs. Rescued as a juvenile, his congenital feather disease prevents him from flying so he is unable to hunt. In 2005, Sparky was adopted by Mountain View Elementary as their school mascot. They even wrote […]

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