Courtney and Matt Wilson with Maverick, Boomer, and Bailey.
Courtney Wilson is CCVM’s new Development Director at the OSU Foundation. She grew up in Manchester, Maryland with four brothers, a pack of German Shepherds, and a cat named Raven.
Courtney majored in journalism at James Madison University. “That’s where I got interested in fund raising,” she says. “I worked on the student phone-a-thon, starting in my sophomore year. It was a lot of fun; I had lots of interesting conversations, and I got used to people saying ‘No’. I never really stopped fundraising after that.”
Prior to coming to OSU, Courtney was Associate Director of Development at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine where she helped create and implement their grateful client program. “That was my first job fundraising for veterinary medicine and it really opened my eyes,” she says. “I had no idea how advanced veterinary medicine was, and how similar to human medicine. I have so much respect for veterinarians now; it really inspires me.”
Courtney enjoys meeting people and hearing their stories. “I’m not about pushing something on someone; I’m about building relationships.” Her favorite part of her job is finding meaningful choices that donors feel great about. “These are people who want to make a difference, make an impact, and I can help make that happen.”
Courtney and her husband, Matt, have three dogs that keep them busy. They also like to cook and do weightlifting together.