Enid Traisman from the Dove Lewis Pet Loss Support Program will be at the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine presenting a workshop on Grief Counseling. She will teach skills that veterinary professionals can use to help clients in times of grief and loss, and lead a round-table discussion for students and staff to ask questions about pet loss support groups, grief, coping mechanisms, and other topics of interest.
The workshop will be held in room 102 of Magruder Hall on Wednesday, April 4th from 5:00-6:30 PM.
In order to make this session as informative as possible, Enid has requested that we generate a list of topics that interest us. If you plan to attend, please fill out this survey by Friday, March 16th: https://goo.gl/forms/hYkWwQxiq6hehAgA3.”>https://goo.gl/forms/hYkWwQxiq6hehAgA3