Dr. Alaina Moon and Dr. Silvia Funes with clients Gari Aman and Barb Hansen.
Repeat clients of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital often become friends. Barb Hansen and Geri Aman have been bringing their family of Basset Hounds to the VTH for years and are everyone’s favorite visitors. “Dr. Moon and I love when they come to the hospital,” says Dr. Silivia Funes. “I love how sweet and stubborn the dogs are and they have the best dog moms ever.”
On a recent visit, Hansen and Amen brought a cheery gift for the hospital: a portrait of their dogs, Gus and Maron, by Corvallis artist Carrie Tasman. It now hangs in the exam room hallway.
“They are exceptional clients,” says Dr. Funes. “They even invited us to Gus’s fourteenth birthday party last year.”