OSU hosted its first Davis-Thompson Foundation Descriptive Veterinary Pathology Course in June and Dr. Christiane Lohr worked hard to make it a great event. “Since the course paradigm shifted to vet schools hosting, we are never certain what kind of conditions we will have,” says course organizer Paul Stromberg. “We rely heavily on local faculty helping us and the results are variable. Oregon State and Dr. Lohr did a superb job and helped us to focus on the teaching part. An important part of the success was due to her efforts to make things run smoothly.”
Forty pathologists attended from thirteen states plus Canada and Australia. “Evaluations from participants were very favorable,” says Dr. Lohr. ” People really enjoyed the mock exams and active learning exercises, as well as the individual feedback from instructors. They also enjoyed meeting trainees from other institutions, which helps them make personal connections for study purposes, and learn how things are done at other institutions.”
The course is an opportunity for veterinary pathologists develop and refine their skills in describing gross and microscopic lesions in a variety of major organs in numerous animal species, as well as describing and interpreting cytology specimens, electron micrographs, and immunohistochemical stains.