OSU alumna Clare Scully helps a victim of the Louisiana flooding.
There is no question that the recent flooding in Louisiana requires the time, talents and care of many. OSU is proud to call two of these individuals ours. Dr. Clare M. Scully and Dr. Chiara de Caro Carella have both jumped in to help creatures in need, great and small.
Dr. Clare M. Scully recently completed her residency at OSU and was hired by LSU as an assistant professor in Food Animal Medicine. She has helped lead efforts for the rescue and treatment of the many large animals effected by the flood. Dr. Scully shared, “Many students, faculty and clients have lost everything.” Despite that, she marveled at the compassion of every person she works beside during the grueling 14 hour or more days. “So many people have not slept a full night in days. But, everyone is working to help each other.”
Dr. De Caro Carella arrived in Louisiana just days after the flooding began but put her skills to work immediately. Each faculty member is given a small fund to treat the animals they are assigned and said, “We are making the most of every dollar.” They fear that the lack of national publicity will mean there won’t be enough to treat every animal, but they will keep doing everything they can for the many animals effected by the flooding. Although small and thousands of miles away, Oregon State has played a piece in responding to the needs of the LSU community.
Veterinary medicine is a small profession. Each of the 30 Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in the U.S. employs professionals from all over the nation and world, all working together for animal health. A tragedy like the Louisiana flooding shines a light on the camaraderie and compassion of the veterinary medicine community. For more information or to help, visit http://www.lsu.edu/vetmed/disaster_preparedness/flooding.php
Written by Kelley Marchbanks, Development Director, OSU College of Veterinary Medicine