The large animal radiology room in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital was recently remodeled to accommodate new digital radiography equipment that that will provide immediate viewing of images, a big time saver for a busy hospital. It will also reduce exposure to radiation. “The digital radiography equipment requires less radiation and is therefore better for staff in the room,” says Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas, head of diagnostic imaging. “Less radiation also means we can now radiograph areas like the spine in horses.”
The new unit, which replaces one installed when the hospital was built in 1979, has better mobility, allowing technicians to perform procedures more quickly. “It will be helpful for clinicians working up cases, and help make the flow through the hospital better,” says Dr. Stieger-Vanegas.
Initial funding for the new equipment was provided through a grant from the OSU Research Equipment Reserve Fund. Friends and donors of the hospital contributed matching funds, including a $100,000 gift from The Willard L. and Ruth P. Eccles Foundation.
“We are grateful for the gifts from our donors. The learning, diagnostic, and research opportunities they have provided are invaluable,” says Dean Susan J. Tornquist.