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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Farm Bill Benefits Veterinarians, Students, Researchers

February 7th, 2014

cow_faceThe 2014 Farm Bill contains several new programs and program revisions that will have an immediate impact on veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Services Grant Program
$10 million per year has been authorized for the new Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP). This program will help relieve veterinary shortages by supporting private veterinary practices engaged in public health activities and veterinarians who are participating in or have successfully completed a Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) which encourages large animal veterinarians to practice in communities that USDA designates as veterinary shortage areas. The Veterinary Services Grant Program complements the loan repayment program by helping large animal veterinarians become established in rural communities. Grants can be used to recruit veterinarians and veterinary technicians in shortage areas, expand and establish practices in high-need areas, establish mobile portable clinics and televet services and establish education programs, including continuing education and distance education.

Animal Health and Disease Research
$25 million per year is authorized for the Animal Health and Disease Research program, which now includes a competitive grants program in the three focal areas of Food Security, One Health and Stewardship. Grants can be used to conduct research to promote food security; examples include improving feed efficiency, improving reproductive efficiency, and enhancing pre- and post harvest food safety systems. Grants can also be used to support investigations into the relationship between animal and human health, such as by exploring new approaches for vaccine development; understanding and controlling zoonosis; enhancing product quality and nutritive value; and developing and disseminating to the public tools and information based on the research conducted.

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