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Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Dogs and Cats Needed for Clinical Trials

January 30th, 2014

Faculty in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine conduct clinical trials in conjunction with research on disease, diagnosis, and treatment of animals. The following clinical trials are seeking participants:

Feline Hyperthyroidism Study
Currently recruiting untreated cats with hyperthyroidism to participate in a study on CT imaging of the thyroid in awake cats. Participating cats will receive free CT imaging and a consultation with an Internist. To participate contact bushj@onid.orst.edu. More information.

Cruciate Injuries in Purebred Labrador Retrievers

In partnership with the University of Wisconsin, OSU is collecting data for a research study on cruciate injuries in purebred Labrador Retrievers. Currently seeking participants in one of two categories:
1. Over 8 years old with NO cruciate disease
2. Under 8 years old WITH cruciate disease
Exam and radiographs will take about one hour and the dog will not be sedated. There is no cost. To participate, contact april.darby@oregonstate.edu by August 15, 2014. More Information.

Canine Laryngeal Paralysis

Currently recruiting client-owned dogs affected by, or suspected to be affected by, laryngeal paralysis. This trial evaluates the effect of a drug given during, and for 24 hours after, surgery on prevention of post-operative aspiration pneumonia. Participants receive discounted surgery and laboratory fees. You may schedule an appointment with the Soft Tissue Surgery service (541-737-4812) for an in-person consultation to see if your pet qualifies for the study. For more information please call the number above, or you may email the Soft Tissue Surgery service at sa.softsx@oregonstate.edu.

Feline Injection Site Sarcoma Study

Currently recruiting client-owned cats affected by, or suspected by be affected by, an injection site sarcoma. This trial evaluates the accuracy of pre-operative MRI and CT scan in predicting the extent of the tumor. Participants receive free pre-operative CT and MRI scans as well as discounted surgery and laboratory fees. You may schedule an appointment with the Soft Tissue Surgery service (541-737-4812) for an in-person consultation to see if your pet qualifies for the study. For more information please call the number above, or you may email the Soft Tissue Surgery service at sa.softsx@oregonstate.edu.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection for Dogs with Hip Osteoarthritis
Currently recruiting client-owned dogs affected by osteoarthritis in the hip joint. Dogs must be less than 15kgs, more than 18mths old, and have no previous surgery or injuries of the affected hindlimb.  Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is harvested using the dog’s own blood and spun down to collect a sample rich in platelets, growth factors and cytokines. This clinical trial evaluates the use of PRP in alleviating pain and improving quality of life. There is no cost for this treatment. You may schedule an appointment with the Small Animal Orthopedic service (541-737-4812) for an in-person consultation to see if your pet qualifies for the study. For more information please call the number above, or you may email louisa.ho@oregonstate.edu

Omental Graft in Miniature and Toy Breed Dogs with Naturally Occurring Radius/Ulna Fractures

Currently recruiting owners of miniature and toy breed dogs with mid-diaphyseal to distal radial fractures who are considering internal fixation treatment for those fractures. The trial will determine the efficacy of an omental graft in addition to a plate and screw fixator. The majority of imaging will be provided free of charge; surgery provided at a 50% discount. For more information, contact jennifer.ree@oregonstate.edu or wendy.baltzer@oregonstate.edu.

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