OSU IVSA members (L to R): Ashley Reid, Kelly Norton, Sonja Lapinski, Victoria O’Nion, Kathleen Kraska presented a poster on the Nicaragua service trip.
Members of OSU’s International Veterinary Student Association attended the 10th Annual Western Regional International Health Conference at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland to present a poster on the OSU Annual Nicaragua Veterinary Service trip held in the community of Merida, Nicaragua.
The focus of this student-led conference was “Global Health in Changing Environments” and served to bring together students, professionals and experts pursuing research and education in a wide variety of subjects including global health, environmental health impacts, science, human and veterinary medicine, public health, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, engineering and law.
The conference ran from April 5th – April 7th and opened with a keynote address by Dr. Howard Frumkin, M.D., Dr. PH at the Portland Art Museum discussing the human built habitat that we all inhabit, how it shapes our health and well-being and how we can shape our habitat in the future with health as a focus. The remainder of the weekend was filled with poster sessions, plenary talks and break out sessions on multiple different tracks, including sharing the world’s resources, human rights and health, migrant and refugee health, ethics in global health, changing patterns of disease and the technology revolution and health.
Original research and student led projects were presented by students and professionals from around the world. This was a great opportunity to connect with other students passionate about global health and to network with leaders in this exciting field of One Health. Understanding the forces that shape health across the globe requires the synergistic interaction of many diverse minds working towards common goals and this conference is the perfect initiative to address these challenges. If you are interested in learning more about the proceedings from the conference, please contact OSU IVSA.