First year students Jared Sharp and Jake Tidwell practice setting catheters at the mock induction station.
On Saturday, May 19, the Oregon State University IVSA hosted a mock clinic in preparation for the Veterinary Brigade’s service trip to Nicaragua this summer. The mock clinic was set up like the real deal- a circular set-up in which patients rotate through the stations.
Flash to Nicaragua – the patients start at the Wellness station, where they receive a physical exam, and if their owners would like them to have surgery (spay or neuter), the Wellness team gets a blood sample, and they continue from there to the Diagnostics station. Once the patient is cleared for surgery, he/she starts the journey through the clinic, from Induction to Anesthesia to Surgery to Recovery stations as students overseen by doctors take care of him/her. The large animal patients go through their own rotation of stations, or the team is sent to the farm to examine multiple animals.
Flash to Oregon mock clinic – students practiced physical exams on dogs from Heartland Humane Society, performed diagnostics on blood and fecal samples they collected from their own animals, practiced calculating drug dosages, placing catheters for IV fluids, intubating, and they even practiced performing a spay on dog models. There was also a large animal station that taught students the basics of horse castrations, restraint, and handling.
All of this was in preparation for the OSU IVSA service trip to Nicaragua, where these skills will be tested and solidified. It was a full day of practice, and the students are now more prepared for the first few days of the Veterinary Brigade this summer.
The mock clinic was followed by IVSA’s Food Fest 2012, an annual conglomeration of food from all over the world, made by students, accompanied by home brewed beer made by the CVM’s own Dr. Pearson. Students, faculty and staff united to enjoy the warmth of the bonfire, great music by a student band, home-brewed beer, and delicious food after a long day of preparation for Nicaragua.