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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for January, 2012

Students Help Hearing Dogs

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Once again the members of the Shelter Medicine Club put their hustle on and raised significant money for an animal welfare charity. The club sold a lot of coffee and bagels over the past couple of weeks to raise over $400 for Dogs for the Deaf, a non-profit group that trains shelter dogs to aid […]

Cancer Survivor Relies On His CVM Family

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

What would the College of Veterinary Medicine do without Dave Johnson? He keeps our software up-to-date, reminds us not to open those friendly-sounding emails from obscure countries, and cheerfully undoes the wacky stuff we all subject our computers to now and then.  And on top of all that, he optimistically wears shorts to work in […]

Food Drive Gearing Up

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The CVM Food Drive committee is busy working on fun activities for this year’s event which kicks off January 30th. Stay tuned to the Vet Gazette for upcoming details. Meanwhile, the committe is still welcoming any enthusiastic, civic-minded people who want to join them. Proceeds from the food drive will go to the Linn-Benton Food […]

Nicaragua Volunteers Thank Biomedical Sciences

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The OSU International Veterinary Student Association would like to give a big thanks to Dr. Bermudez and the Biomedical Sciences Department for their continual enthusiasm and financial support of the annual service trip to Nicaragua. For the past two years, students have had the opportunity to perform self-led research projects on the island of Ometepe, […]

Oregon Department of Ag Speaker

Friday, January 20th, 2012

The College of Veterinary Medicine’s Ag Animal Club is hosting a presentation by Dr. Julie Weikel from the Oregon Department of Agriculture on Wednesday, January 25th at 5 pm in Magruder 102. Dr. Weikel will discuss Bovine Trichomoniasis for the first hour followed by a presentation on large animal veterinary practices. According to Ag Animal […]

Say Hello To New Students

Friday, January 20th, 2012

This month, the College of Veterinary Medicine welcomes three new clinical-year students from Ross University. Meghan Fleming is from New York, Laura Kimmell is from Oregon, and Amy Sachs is from California. If you see them in the halls or classrooms, be sure to say hello!

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