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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Technicians recognized

October 26th, 2010

To celebrate National Healthcare Central Service & Sterile Processing Week that occurred October 7-13, the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Professionals adopted a savvy promotional slogan, “Central Service Professionals — Instrumental in Healthcare.”

Sterile processing technicians and managers are artisans in their own right. They have to have the knowledge and the patience to disassemble complex surgical instruments and medical devices, thoroughly clean every seen and unseen micrometer of material, reassemble the products, sterilize and/or package them and get them to the end users ahead of time without error. Dr. Terry Crowder, pharmacy and central sterile director, said, “Joyce Henness epitomizes this description. And, before year’s end, she will take the national certification exam.”

October is National Pharmacy Month and the start of NPTA’s month-long celebration honoring the hard-working, dedicated pharmacy technician professionals who work tirelessly every day. Tuesday, October 26 is National Pharmacy Technician Day. Dr. Crowder would like to recognize Lisa Maxwell and Jeff Holland for being the professionals on the front lines of the pharmacy who bring dedication and commitment every day in providing patients the medications they need.

Our pets receive excellent medical care in the United States, not only from veterinarians but from the entire veterinary medical team. An integral component of this team is the veterinary technician. To celebrate and promote the role of veterinary technicians, the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America, NAVTA, has proclaimed the third week of October as National Veterinary Technicians Week.

“Hands-on-Healing” is the catchphrase about what veterinary technicians do on a daily basis for our clients and patients.  Celebrating for one week every year solidifies the yearly commitment every veterinary technician gives to the profession of veterinary technology, veterinary assisting and veterinary medicine.  –NAVTA

To recognize our veterinary technicians, Hospital Director Dr. Helen Diggs wrote, “Please join me in thanking the VTH Certified Veterinary Technicians for another year of superb veterinary support.  We are truly fortunate to have such a dedicated and enthusiastic group of CVTs working in the VTH.  They are phenomenal!  Please take a moment to thank the CVTs you work with for their assistance and commitment to our hospital, clients and patients, and our mission of educating veterinary students.

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