Classmates from 1990 gathered at Magruder Hall for their 20 year class reunion.
Twenty two of the 36 members of the class of 1990 returned to Magruder Hall on August 28 for their 20-year reunion. They barbecued, looked at slides from their years in veterinary school and toured the facilities that were built after their graduation. They also did a lot of catching up with each other and the several faculty who attended. Drs. Huber and Riebold and facilities manager Terry Robertson greeted the class and gave in-depth tours of the Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the new areas of Magruder Hall. Dr. Linda Blythe also enjoyed visiting with her former students. Drs. Cindy Zikes and Craig Quirk organized the reunion. “I think everyone had a really good time. It was like we were together yesterday. We laughed and laughed,” said Dr. Zikes after the weekend.
The reunion also served as the perfect time for the class to present the College with a donation to bolster the Dr. Bruce Hultgren Memorial Scholarship fund which the class established when they graduated. It was established in memory of Dr. Bruce Hultgren, a pathologist at the College when the class of 1990 studied here. The fund has provided a scholarship to a veterinary student every year for the past two decades. The class recently donated more than $2,000 to the fund, which extends the scholarship for another five years.