Dr. Carin Smith
Dr. Carin Smith, 1984 alumna of OSU CVM, was honored with the 2010 Distinguished Service Award from the Association for Women Veterinarians Foundation. This award recognizes special effort and contributions of that individual to advance and improve the status of women in veterinary medicine (www.womenveterinarians.org).
The National Academies of Practice has recently admitted Dr. Carin Smith as a member. The NAP (www.napractice.org) is an organization of distinguished practitioners representing 10 different healthcare professions which works to advise governmental bodies on our health care system. It is the only interdisciplinary group of health care practitioners dedicated to these issues.
Dr. Carin Smith, president of Smith Veterinary Consulting, works to help veterinarians and their teams create successful lives and careers. She is a speaker, trainer, and author who worked as a veterinarian in both large and small animal practice before devoting her time to consulting (www.smithvet.com).