John and John
The College of Veterinary Medicine Classes of 1984 and 1985 got together in July for their 25 year class reunions. They joined forces to make it one big party and a great success it turned out to be. They also invited the Washington State University classes that they studied with during their time in Pullman in their second and third years in veterinary school. Classmates from both years and both universities gathered at Suncadia resort near Cle Elum / Roslyn, Wash. Forty classmates from the Class of 84, and 16 from the Class of ’85 attended. Including the number of spouses and kids who joined them, they had nearly 100 people there to enjoy the weekend. There was a fantastic band that was made up of members from both classes that added their own twist to the gathering. And along with the usual class reunion festivities that went on all weekend, one of the highlights for some attendees was the rafting trip on Saturday on the Wenatchee river. They even had a few kayakers in tow.

Kathy, Jerry and Erzsi

Kris and Annette