The North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC) and Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health have teamed up to produce the NAVC Clinical Case Challenge program. This program consists of an online case study that allows veterinary students to practice their diagnostic and treatment skills. The sponsors have a competition to determine which veterinary school has the highest percentage of participants in the online case study and Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine won!
In return for their high level of participation the CVM students were provided with donuts and coffee on Wednesday, May 20, compliments of Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health.
Click here to see the case studies or participate yourself.

Coffee and donuts were delivered by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health representatives Lee Bjornstad (left) and Dr. Robert Armstrong (wearing tie). Others pictured are Ragan Garret (wearing coveralls) and Dr. Sue Tornquist (right).