Three visiting scholars from South Korea will be spending the next year at Oregon State University. They will be putting on two workshops (April and October) about science education in Korea. Here are bios and backgrounds on the three scholars below:

Hyo-Suk RyuHyo-Suk Ryu, Post-Doctoral Fellow with the College of Education at Ewha Womans University in Korea

Research Interest
My works have been mainly focused on developing programs and circumstances for secondary students in the formal and informal learning contexts. My dissertation is about the effects of science outreach program based on high school students’ experiences in university laboratory. I also collaborated on the project (called WCU) which is about developing materials and training in-service teachers in order to enhance scientific literacy for the young global citizens at Global Institute for STS education in Korea. My interests also include to boost the awareness and support of the public by expanding the bases of science community and public understanding on science.


  • Ewha Womans University (Ph.D. in science education) 2007-2011
  • Ewha Womans University (M.Edu. in physics education) 1998-2002
  • Ewha Womans University (B.S. in science education) 1993-1997

young-shin parkYoung-Shin Park, Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Earth Science Education and Director of the Science Culture Education Center at Chosun University, South Korea

Research Interest
My research interest covers two different tracks; informal science learning as well as formal one. One is about science teaching in formal setting covering teachers’ beliefs and knowledge through induction program as well as teacher preparation program in the context of scientific inquiry and argumentation. I also developed Korea Teacher Observational Protocols (K_TOP) to improve teachers’ teaching strategies on the basis of their teaching practices. The other research interest is about educators’ interacting with visitors in informal setting of science learning, such as how to train science docents to be expertise in their interacting with visitors and how to implement science communication into supplemental educational program and how to analyze science communication embedded in science exhibition. I developed the manual ‘guide for science docent expertise’ in Korean (2012) and the book of ‘introduction to being science educator in science center’ by running professional development program for prospective science educator (2013).


  • Oregon State University (Ph.D. in science education) 1998-2005
  • Oregon State University (M.S. in science education) 1996-1997
  • Seoul National University (B.S. in earth science education) 1987-1991

jonghee kimJonghee Kim, Associate Professor with the Department of Earth Science Education at Chonnam National University in South Korea

Research Areas & Interests
Earth Science education

  • Misconception
  • Task Analysis in Earth Science
  • Informal science education (science museum)
  • ICT education, Computer-assisted science learning
  • Special education for the gifted

Resent Research Theme
Development Applications for the Diagnostic & Formative Assessment in the Earth Science Class

Busan National University (Ph. D. in Earth Science Education) 1997- 2003
Busan National University (M.S. in Earth Science Education) 1989-1994
Busan National University (B.S. in Earth Science Education) 1985- 1989



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