College of Education Raffle and Soup-er Lunch:
The raffle will be held on Tuesday, February 25th during our Soup-er Lunch in Furman 411 A from 12-1 PM. Vegetarian soup will be served along with bread. Guests attending are asked to bring a donation and a dessert or side dish to share. Come enjoy a delicious lunch with your co-workers, support a worthy cause, and see who our lucky raffle winners will be!
We are in need of raffle prizes for the event. Please consider donating an item. Your donation is tax deductible! Last year faculty and staff donated baskets of delicious homemade food items, jewelry, and gift cards. You can also ask a local merchant, restaurant, artistic individual, or service provider in our community to donate a gift certificate or item to our cause. They will be recognized on the College of Education website, the OSU Food Drive website, and OSU Today for their generosity. Raffle ticket sales will begin Wednesday, February 12 in Furman 104.
Popcorn and Performance by the Deans:
What is popcorn without a show? This tasty treat will be served at the All- College Meeting on Thursday, March 13, but if 10 College of Education employees sign up for the OSU Food Drive Monthly Payroll Contribution program Randy and Larry will also entertain us with a performance at the beginning of the meeting. Donations can be a little as $5 per month, and forms can be found in your mailbox in Furman 104. The stage is set for an entertaining time with your help
Will You Be Canned This Month?:
If a large Linn Benton Food Share can mysteriously appears in your office, you have been CANNED by the College of Education. Game rules will be attached to the can! The canning begins Wednesday, February 5th. Who will be first?
If you have any questions or wish to help with any of the College of Education 2014 OSU Food Drive Events, please contact Karla or Lynda.