The counseling program at OSU has come a long way since the founder, Professor Frank H. Shepherd, taught the first counseling course during the Spring Semester of 1917. This year, Oregon State University’s College of Education’s Counseling program is proud to announce the celebration of its 100th anniversary.

Entering the 100th year of counseling, Cass Dykeman shares, that “the centennial is a chance for all of Oregon to celebrate the pivotal role the citizens of the State have played in the continuous development of this profession, [which is] so vital to the health of the nation.” Cass Dykeman, the Associate Professor in Counselor Education at OSU’s College of Education, has been a part of the program’s development since 1998.

After receiving a Master’s in Educational Psychology with a School Counseling concentration and a Doctorate in Counselor Education, Dykeman pursued his passion in the following years as a counselor educator, and as an elementary school and high school counselor in Washington. Although he loves his current job, he admits that he “miss[es] playing football with the kids at recess. You don’t get recess teaching doctoral students!”

Today, Dykeman continues his work as an Associate Professor in the program. His favorite part of the program is working with doctoral students on their dissertations because, “helping advanced students create new knowledge is a thrill” for him. He enjoys the manuscript style of the dissertations, because many of the doctoral students publish their efforts in peer-reviewed journals. Rebecca Bolante is one of Cass’ prior students who has produced two peer-reviewed journal articles from her dissertation about Threat Assessment. Dykeman has already served as a major professor for 24 PhD graduates, and says, “[his] goal is to hit 50 by the time [he] retire[s].”

Dykeman understands that pursuing a doctorate is an overall large investment; but finds the Counseling program unique because, it has offered “distance hybrid education since 1933” and is ranked third oldest for continuously operating counselor education program in the world. Dykeman adds that, the program is “high quality and [has] a proven track record.”


The TRY-Athlon is a team-building fundraiser that brings faculty, staff, and students together to compete for the title of TRY-Athlon Champion in both the event and fundraising categories. While there is a competition portion of the event, the main focus on the event is getting people moving and raising funds for the Faculty and Staff Fitness program to be used towards endowing a Coordinator Position.

It is a combined number of laps for 3 events; running, walking and swimming. Each team has 6 members who run, walk or swim, passing the baton and continuing for 20 minutes. The College of Education won first place due to having the most combined laps (see results below).

This year our swimmers were Eric Weber, Allyson Dorko and Catherine Law. Our walkers were Nell O’Malley, Sue Helback, Sue Ann Bottoms, Shelley Dubkin-Lee, Paul Thomas, Ken Winograd and Melinda Winograd. We needed an extra because of an injury. Our runners were Tom Scheuermann, Deb Rubel, Kevin Schrier and Jen Humphreys.


Congratulation to all of the participants for leading the College of Education to first place and thanks to Lynda Thomas for being Team Captain!


The office of Childcare & Family Resources is currently accepting nominations for the 2013-14 Family Friendly Faculty Award. The Family Friendly Faculty Award is awarded to a faculty or staff member who has provided exemplary support to an OSU student with children.

Support may come in the form of mentoring, encouragement, accommodations, or anything parents have found helpful in and out of the classroom to remove barriers to success and/or elevating the campus awareness of students with children.

If you know of someone deserving this award, please take a few moments to write a nomination letter including within: their name and department, your name and department, why you would like to nominate this person, and examples of ways they have helped you (or someone you know) be successful at OSU. Nomination letters are due to  or delivered to the Childcare & Family Resources office before July 31, 2014.

Some recent faculty news and announcements:

College of Education logo* Darlene Russ-Eft and Dr. Susan Goff (CCLP 16) will be giving a presentation at the upcoming Academy of Human Resource Development conference ( in Houston, Texas.  It is based on Sue’s dissertation and is titled: “Temps at the Top: Factors related to the Appointment of Interim Community College Presidents.”

* Darlene Russ-Eft’s latest book (co-authored with Catherine M. Sleezer and Kavita Gupta), “A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment,” will be available this month.

* Cheridy Aduviri has launched a new blog (Tech’d Out Learning) that explores the role of technology in education. Topics include: hybrid course design, educational apps, uses of ipads in the classroom and more. If you have an interest on the role of technology in education, you can also attend the next Technology Committee meeting (Monday, April 7th at 10 am).

* John Falk has been recently granted membership on the National Academy of Science’s Board on Science Education committee on Out-of-School Time (OST) STEM Learning. Here’s a link to more information on the committee and it’s members.

divestTwo College of Education faculty were part of a group of speakers from OSU Divest, a faculty-led group that wants Oregon State University’s foundation to rid itself of investments in fossil fuel companies, who made an 18-minute presentation Thursday before the Faculty Senate.

Ken Winograd and Mike O’Malley (College of Education), Glencora Borradaile (College of Engineering) and professor emeritus Richard Clinton all spoke on various aspects of the campaign.

OSU Divest wants the OSU Foundation to:

• Immediately cease all new investments in any of the top 200 fossil fuel companies;
• Ensure that within five years none of its assets include holdings in such companies; and
• Release quarterly updates to the public detailing progress made toward complete divestment.

Learn more about OSU Divest campaign on their Facebook page.

You can read the entire Corvallis Gazette-Times article here.

Logo of Association for Counselor Education and Supervision

ACESOregon State University will be well represented at the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES) National Conference in Denver, Colorado from October 16-20, 2013, with approximately forty students, alumni, and faculty members presenting during the conference.

The goal of ACES is to improve the education, credentialing and supervision of counselors working in all settings of society.  The association also strives to encourage publications on current issues, relevant research, proven practices, ethical standards and conversations on related problems.  Counselors often find leadership opportunities through ACES.

Please see the following list of Facebook links to the names of College of Education associates presenting and their topics:


Bohrer, DeJesus, Hambrick, Hixson, and Millmore



DeJesus and Nelson





Aasheim and Melton

Cook and McGlasson

Dempsey and Ratts





Jorgensen and Murphy








Biles, Donaldson, Ford, Kelley, Reese, and Stroud




