Some recent faculty news and announcements:

College of Education logo* Darlene Russ-Eft and Dr. Susan Goff (CCLP 16) will be giving a presentation at the upcoming Academy of Human Resource Development conference ( in Houston, Texas.  It is based on Sue’s dissertation and is titled: “Temps at the Top: Factors related to the Appointment of Interim Community College Presidents.”

* Darlene Russ-Eft’s latest book (co-authored with Catherine M. Sleezer and Kavita Gupta), “A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment,” will be available this month.

* Cheridy Aduviri has launched a new blog (Tech’d Out Learning) that explores the role of technology in education. Topics include: hybrid course design, educational apps, uses of ipads in the classroom and more. If you have an interest on the role of technology in education, you can also attend the next Technology Committee meeting (Monday, April 7th at 10 am).

* John Falk has been recently granted membership on the National Academy of Science’s Board on Science Education committee on Out-of-School Time (OST) STEM Learning. Here’s a link to more information on the committee and it’s members.

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