Don’t miss this fantastic discussion with Dr. Nolan Cabrera from the University of Arizona’s College of Education. Click on the flyer below to view a larger version.
Category Archives: News
College of Education Food Drive
College of Education Raffle and Soup-er Lunch:
The raffle will be held on Tuesday, February 25th during our Soup-er Lunch in Furman 411 A from 12-1 PM. Vegetarian soup will be served along with bread. Guests attending are asked to bring a donation and a dessert or side dish to share. Come enjoy a delicious lunch with your co-workers, support a worthy cause, and see who our lucky raffle winners will be!
We are in need of raffle prizes for the event. Please consider donating an item. Your donation is tax deductible! Last year faculty and staff donated baskets of delicious homemade food items, jewelry, and gift cards. You can also ask a local merchant, restaurant, artistic individual, or service provider in our community to donate a gift certificate or item to our cause. They will be recognized on the College of Education website, the OSU Food Drive website, and OSU Today for their generosity. Raffle ticket sales will begin Wednesday, February 12 in Furman 104.
Popcorn and Performance by the Deans:
What is popcorn without a show? This tasty treat will be served at the All- College Meeting on Thursday, March 13, but if 10 College of Education employees sign up for the OSU Food Drive Monthly Payroll Contribution program Randy and Larry will also entertain us with a performance at the beginning of the meeting. Donations can be a little as $5 per month, and forms can be found in your mailbox in Furman 104. The stage is set for an entertaining time with your help
Will You Be Canned This Month?:
If a large Linn Benton Food Share can mysteriously appears in your office, you have been CANNED by the College of Education. Game rules will be attached to the can! The canning begins Wednesday, February 5th. Who will be first?
If you have any questions or wish to help with any of the College of Education 2014 OSU Food Drive Events, please contact Karla or Lynda.
Recap of The Classroom Closet Pride Panel via Storify
First of all, we want to thank the OSU Pride Center, the panelists & our college’s Cultural & Linguistic Diversity workgroup for organizing this excellent event.
Over 40 people witnessed five panelists discuss their experiences as LGBTQ+ students, teachers and faculty in the K-12 educational system.
Here’s a brief recap using Storify (
MLK Jr. Day Service Project with College Hill
The College of Education participated in yesterday’s National Day of Service in observation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s service and legacy, by gathering at College Hill High School for a joint service project.
In total, 19 people volunteered for a total of 53 service hours given to College Hill High School
Here’s a collage of photos from yesterday’s event:
The Classroom Closet: A Pride Panel on Queerness & Education

The College of Education is proud to be a co-sponsor of this event with the OSU Pride Center. Come listen to a Pride Panel of LGBTQ students, teachers, and faculty discuss their experiences in the K-12 educational system.
Our goal in partnering on this event is to discuss gender and sexual identity issues in education from both a student and teacher perspective. This is part of our professional development efforts, and we hope everyone leaves with some new resources/ideas for continued professional development.
For more on this topic, please check out this blog post from Teaching Tolerance, who posted an anonymous blog entry from a gay elementary school teacher: The Classroom Closet . He is responding to a district’s screening of the Teaching Tolerance movie Bullied. (We do have a copy in the College of Education if you want to see it.) The blog entry is a moving read with several personal stories in the comments from readers.
For further reading, you can also view these links, courtesy of Teaching Tolerance:
- Out at Last
- Gay Children’s Books
- Break the Silence
- A Solitary Struggle
- Focus on the Family Goes After LGBT Students
The Classroom Closet: A Pride Panel on Queerness & Education
When: Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Time: 5:00pm until 6:30pm
Where: Furman Hall Atrium (4th Floor)
College of Education Honors National Day of Service

Monday, January 20th, is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and it has been declared a National Day of Service in observation of Dr. King’s service and legacy.
The College of Education will honor Dr. King through a joint service project with College Hill High School students in Corvallis. The principal, volunteer cooridator, and students have identified projects that would help their school for this day of service.
Give back to our local community on Monday, January 20th! Please consider joining us for a shift.
The sign-up link is here:
College Hill High School is located at 510 NW 31st Street in Corvallis.
If you have any questions, please contact Allyson Dean.
A Happy New Year Greeting from the College of Education
2014-2015 College of Education Scholarship & Fellowship Application

The College of Education’s 2014-2015 Scholarship and Fellowship application has now been posted:
Here is a tentative list of the scholarships available:
Karen and Sarah Graves Memorial Scholarship
Denabelle Linville Scholarship
Arizona Sawyers Scholarship
Herman & Lois Miller Scholarship
Teacher Education Scholarship
College of Education Scholarship
Hagen Scholarship
Janet & Ron May Merit Scholarship
Matthew & Francis Kralj Scholarship
Judith Hatch Memorial Scholarship
Matilda Thorgaard Hawaiian Education Scholarship
Warren N & Carlene K Suzuki Memorial Scholarship
Milosh & Jeanne Popovich Scholarship
Helen Kruchek ’40 Endowed Scholarship
Warren Suzuki Legacy Scholarship
Forrest Gathercoal Memorial Scholarship
Rieke & Chaplin Memorial Scholarship
Elwood J Keema Fellowship Award
Clayton K Dart Memorial Fellowship Award
Jacquelin Springer Burrill Graduate Fellowship Award
Scott D Henderson Memorial Fellowship Award
Fred K Thompson Memorial Fellowship Award
Ella P Hill and William W Hern Scholarship
Stanley E Williamson Memorial Scholarship
Fred W Fox Scholarship in Science Education
Science and Mathematics Education Fellowship Award
Maggie Niess Scholarship in Math Education
S David and Carol R Eves Scholarship
Visit our Education Scholarships and Fellowships page for more details and you can also view this downloadable list of College of Education Scholarships and Fellowships.
OSU Divest group makes presentation before Faculty Senate

Two College of Education faculty were part of a group of speakers from OSU Divest, a faculty-led group that wants Oregon State University’s foundation to rid itself of investments in fossil fuel companies, who made an 18-minute presentation Thursday before the Faculty Senate.
Ken Winograd and Mike O’Malley (College of Education), Glencora Borradaile (College of Engineering) and professor emeritus Richard Clinton all spoke on various aspects of the campaign.
OSU Divest wants the OSU Foundation to:
• Immediately cease all new investments in any of the top 200 fossil fuel companies;
• Ensure that within five years none of its assets include holdings in such companies; and
• Release quarterly updates to the public detailing progress made toward complete divestment.
Learn more about OSU Divest campaign on their Facebook page.
You can read the entire Corvallis Gazette-Times article here.
Dr. Molly Phipps to guest lecture Free-Choice Learning course this winter

The College of Education is pleased to introduce Dr. Molly Phipps as a guest lecturer for the winter term. Dr. Phipps will be teaching Dr. Lynn Dierking’s course, “Sociocultural Dimensions of Free-Choice Learning,” while Dr. Dierking is on sabbatical.
Dr. Phipps is the owner of Molly Phipps Consulting, a free-choice learning firm that conducts research and evaluation on environmental education and community-building endeavors. She is the first PhD graduate of the Oregon State University Free-Choice Learning program with a minor in Oceanography, where she studied the implementation of an iPod-based program at Hatfield Marine Science Center for her dissertation.
Dr. Phipps received her undergraduate degree in geology-biology from Brown University and worked as a research assistant and lab manager in a paleoclimatology lab at Brown before moving to Oregon. Since graduating from OSU, she has lived in St. Paul, MN where she worked as a Senior Evaluation and Research Associate at the Science Museum of Minnesota until 2013. At the Science Museum of Minnesota, her work focused on the visual display of data on Science on a Sphere, communicating climate change through exhibits and programs for the public, workshops for scientists, and community development project.
In her new venture, Molly Phipps Consulting, Dr. Phipps is focusing on evaluation capacity building for smaller organizations, program evaluation for free-choice learning opportunities, and ways to make evaluation more sustainable. She also serves on the board of directors for the Minnesota Association of Environmental Education, on the Educational Committee for the Will Steger Foundation, and on the Editorial Board for Visitor Studies; she is the 2013-2014 Chair of the Informal Learning Environment’s Research SIG at AERA.
When she’s not working, Dr. Phipps enjoys spending time outside with her husband Ralph, their daughter Lila, and their pets gardening or walking along the Mississippi River, as well as cooking, and knitting.