Writing Exercise #5

Diet choices that impact my microbial communities

We know that our gut microbe have a huge effect on our health, and having a larger diversity of microbes communities in our gut going to improve our health. And this is one of the reason I have been trying a diet with a diverse range of foods, most of my dinner will including at least two kinds of vegetables, one animal protein and some fruits. vegetables and fruit provide lot’s of vitamin and fiber, those are the perfect nutrients for some healthy microbes in our gut. Also, I personally don’t like sweets or sugar drinks, which end up to be really helpful to my health, according to research, sugar will lend to some insulin disorder that have an negative effect on our health.

Beside my daily diet, I’m also taking some nutrition pills like vitamin K, because we can’t produce this kind of molecules in our body, but it’s also really important to our healing process for our body damage.



Michael A. Conlon. 2015. The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health. volume 7 (1) page 1~8.

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