Writing Exercise #4

Rhetorical Precis

Dr. Julie Parsonnet a professor in medicine at Stanford University with a focus on adult infectious disease. She has been researching infections that have a potential to develop chronic diseases like cancer or obesity.  In her research “Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagA negative Helicobacter pylori infection.” (1997), 242 persons were inflect with Helicobacter pylori, and half of them are inject with CagA antibodies and other half are not. The purpose is trying to identify the reason why not all Helicobacter pylori infection will cause gastruc cancer. And focus on CagA phenotype as a factor of this reason. The result show that people with CagA antibodies is more likely to develop into cancer than people who don’t have it. Dr. Parsonnet as a medicine and clinical doctor both focusing on how to cure and reduce the population of cancer, allergy, and obesity that were cause by infectious of microorganism.

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