UFIO Development Site

The biggest achievement for the month of February was getting approval on a separate website instance for UFIO, also receiving approval from the domain name committee, and getting the development site for UFIO spun up.

Next steps for this will be to build out the new UFIO site, using Financial Services as a model. There are site-wide features to build out, such as Views, Paragraph Bundles and Blocks and I will need help from Web and Mobile Services for this. My goal is to have the main UFIO site and Financial Services site completed and rolled out by the end of April. The UFIO site will be a mirror of the current site, so it’s mainly a copy/paste and redirect job.

After this sites, the plan is to migrate in this order:

  1. Facilities Services
  2. Leasing
  3. GIS/OSu Maps Library
  4. Others (develop plan)

Project Communications

During the week of Feb 12, I ran a Project Communications survey in OSUToday and distributed it to a few closed communication channels I belong to. The purpose of the survey was to identify capital project communication needs and wants among the campus community. Results can be found at the newly revived communication blog, Capital Project Updates on Campus (formerly Capital Construction Updates). Ideas for a catchier name are welcome and appreciated 🙂 I plan to distribute a Project Communication plan and calendar for 2018 at the next Leadership Team meeting.

In addition, working with the Project Controls Manager a form for Requesting Minor Capital Improvements was created and approved.

Space Management

In early February I met with the Space Management team to discuss their needs. The bounce rate on the Space Request form is quite high (60%), so I recommended a shorter space form. I created the form and sent it to the Space team for review, as well as starting to review higher traffic pages for flow/reduction in content.

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