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Corps Member
Teach For America

Teach For America
is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates, graduate students, and professionals of all academic majors and career backgrounds who commit two years to teach in urban and rural public schools. Our corps members become lifelong leaders in the effort to make a great education, and the opportunities that come with it, a reality for all students. Teach For Americas network in the 2012-13 school year includes 10,400 corps members teaching in 46 regions across the country and nearly 28,000 alumni working in education and many other sectors to create the systemic changes that will help end educational inequity.

Teach For America provides a rigorous pre-service summer training program that is designed to further develop your leadership mindset and provide you real-world experience before entering the classroom. We place you as a full-time teacher with full salary and benefits in an urban or rural public school, and support you with coaching and ongoing professional development throughout your two years to help you achieve success in your classroom and beyond.

The Problem of Educational Inequity
In America today, 9-year-olds in low-income communities are already three grade levels behind their peers in high-income communities. Half of them wont graduate from high school. Those who do graduate will read and do math, on average, at the level of eighth graders in high-income communities. This educational inequity is one of our nations most pressing problems, and Teach For America enlists our most promising future leaders in the movement to solve it. Through the combined efforts of our corps members and alumni, working alongside other members of the communities we serve, we will achieve our vision: One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.

Minimum Pre-requisites for Applying:
Bachelor’s degree by June 2013
Minimum 2.5 cumulative undergraduate GPA
Citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident of the United States
Candidates of all backgrounds, academic majors, and career interests encouraged to apply
No educational coursework or certification required to apply

For more information, including how to apply check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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