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Forestry Technician
USDI – Bureau of Land Management (BLM)


TOUR OF DUTY: Position is permanent, full-time.
DUTY LOCATION: South River Field Office, Roseburg District – Roseburg, OR – 1 position
HOURLY SALARY: Dependent upon specialized work experience and/or level of education:
GS-05 ($15.00/hr); GS-06 ($16.73/hr); GS-07 ($18.59/hr). This is a full performance GS-09 position ($22.74/hr).
BACKGROUND: The Bureau of Land Management’s South River Field Office is responsible for the
administration of the natural resources, lands, minerals and recreation programs on approximately 250,000 acres of public land in Douglas County, Oregon. In 2012 the Roseburg District will offer 27 million board feet of timber for sale from these lands. Public lands of the Roseburg District, located in southwestern Oregon, contain some of the most productive forests in the world, including dense stands of Douglas-fir, hemlock, and cedar.

For more information, including how to apply check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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