

Kieft, B., Z. Li, S. Bryson, B. C. Crump, R. Hettich, C. Pan, X. Mayali, and R. S. Mueller. 2018. Microbial Community Structure – Function Relationships in Yaquina Bay Estuary Reveal Spatially Distinct Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Capacities. 9: 1–15. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01282

Gradoville, M. R., B. C. Crump, C. C. Häse, and A. E. White. 2018. Environmental Controls of Oyster-Pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Oregon Estuaries and a Shellfish Hatchery. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 84: e02156-17. doi:10.1128/AEM.02156-17

Leight, A. K., B. C. Crump, and R. R. Hood. 2018. Assessment of fecal indicator bacteria and potential pathogen co-occurrence at a shellfish growing area. Front. Microbiol. 9:384. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00384

Crump, B. C., J. M. Wojahn, F. Tomas, and R. S. Mueller. 2018. Metatranscriptomics and amplicon sequencing reveal mutualisms in seagrass microbiomes. Front. Microbiol. 9:388. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00388

Good, S. P., D. R. URycki, and B. C. Crump. 2018. Predicting hydrologic function with aquatic gene fragments. Water Resour. Res. 54: 2424–2435. doi:10.1002/2017WR021974

Herfort, L., B. C. Crump, C. S. Fortunato, L. A. McCue, V. Campbell, H. M. Simon, A. M. Baptista, and P. Zuber. 2017. Factors affecting the bacterial community composition and heterotrophic production of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima. MicrobiologyOpen 6:15.

Coles, V. J., M. R. Stukel, M. T. Brooks, A. Burd, B. C. Crump, M. A. Moran, J. H. Paul, B. M. Satinsky, P. L. Yager, B. L. Zielinski, and R. R. Hood. 2017. Ocean biogeochemistry modeled with emergent trait-based genomics. Science 358:1149.

Crump, B. C.,L. M. Fine, C. S. Fortunato, L. Herfort, J. A. Needoba, S. Murdock, and F. G. Prahl. 2017. Quantity and quality of particulate organic matter controls bacterial production in the Columbia River estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 62:2713-2731. doi:10.1002/lno.10601.

Ward, C. P., S. G. Nalven, B. C. Crump, G. W. Kling, and R. M. Cory. 2017. Photochemical alteration of organic carbon draining permafrost soils shifts microbial metabolic pathways and stimulates respiration. Nature Communications 8:8.

Gradoville, M. R., D. Bombar, B. C. Crump, R. M. Letelier, J. P. Zehr, and A. E. White. 2017. Diversity and activity of nitrogen-fixing communities across ocean basins. Limnology and Oceanography 62:1895-1909.

Smith, M. W., L. Herfort, C. S. Fortunato, B. C. Crump, and H. M. Simon. 2017. Microbial players and processes involved in phytoplankton bloom utilization in the water column of a fast-flowing, river-dominated estuary. MicrobiologyOpen 6:13.

Hosen, J. D., C. M. Febria, B. C. Crump, and M. A. Palmer. 2017. Watershed Urbanization Linked to Differences in Stream Bacterial Community Composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1452,DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01452.

Gradoville, M. R., B. C. Crump, R. M. Letelier, M. J. Church, and A. E. White. 2017. Microbiome of Trichodesmium Colonies from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1122,DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01122.

Satinsky, B. M., C. B. Smith, S. Sharma, M. Landa, P. M. Medeiros, V. J. Coles, P. L. Yager, B. C. Crump, and M. A. Moran. 2017. Expression patterns of elemental cycling genes in the Amazon River Plume. ISME Journal 11:1852-1864, DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2017.46.

Doherty, M., P. L. Yager, M. A. Moran, V. J. Coles, C. S. Fortunato, A. V. Krusche, P. M. Medeiros, J. P. Payet, J. E. Richey, B. M. Satinsky, H. O. Sawakuchi, N. D. Ward, and B. C. Crump. 2017. Bacterial Biogeography across the Amazon River-Ocean Continuum. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:17.(

Harris, C. M., J. W. McClelland, T. L. Connelly, B. C. Crump, and K. H. Dunton. 2016. Salinity and Temperature Regimes in Eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea Lagoons in Relation to Source Water Contributions. Estuaries and Coasts:1-13.(

Zielinski, B. L., A. E. Allen, E. J. Carpenter, V. J. Coles, B. C. Crump, M. Doherty, R. A. Foster, J. I. Goes, H. R. Gomes, R. R. Hood, J. P. McCrow, J. P. Montoya, A. Moustafa, B. M. Satinsky, S. Sharma, C. B. Smith, P. L. Yager, and J. H. Paul. 2016. Patterns of Transcript Abundance of Eukaryotic Biogeochemically-Relevant Genes in the Amazon River Plume. PLoS ONE 11:e0160929.(

Moran, M. A., Kujawinski, E. B., Stubbins, A., Fatland, R., Aluwihare, L. I., Buchan, A., Crump, B. C.,Dorrestein, P. C., Dyhrman, S. T., Hess, N. J., Howe, B., Longnecker, K., Medeiros, P. M., Niggemann, J., Obernosterer, I., Repeta, D. J., Waldbauer, J. R. 2016. Deciphering Ocean Carbon in a Changing World. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. (

Baptista, A. M., Seaton, C., Wilkin, M., Riseman, S., Needoba, J. A., Maier, D., Turner, P. J., Karna, T., Lopez, J. E., Herfort, L., Megler, V. M., McNeil, C., Crump, B. C.,Peterson, T. D., Spitz, Y., and H. M. Simon. 2015. Infrastructure for collaborative science and societal applications in the Columbia River estuary. Frontiers of Earth Science 9(4):659-682

Satinsky, B. M., Fortunato, C. S., Doherty, M., Smith, C. B., Sharma, S., Ward, N. D., Krusche, A. V., Yager, P. L., Richey, J. E., Moran, M. A., and B. C. Crump. 2015. Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic inventories of the lower Amazon River, May 2011. Microbiome 3 DOI: 10.1186/s40168-015-0099-0

Fortunato, C. S., and B. C. Crump. 2015. Microbial gene abundance and expression patterns across a river to ocean salinity gradient. PLOS One 10 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0140578

Lee, D. Y., Owens, M. S., Crump, B. C.,and J. C. Cornwell. 2015. Elevated microbial CO2production and fixation in the oxic/anoxic interface of estuarine water columns during seasonal anoxia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 164:65-76

Febria, C. M., Hosen, J. D., Crump, B. C.,Palmer, M. A., and D. D. Williams. 2015. Microbial responses to changes in flow status in temporary headwater streams: a cross-system comparison. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:522, DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00522

Connelly, T. L., McClelland, J. W., Crump, B. C.,Kellogg, C. T. E., and K. H. Dunton. 2015. Seasonal changes in quantity and composition of suspended particulate organic matter in lagoons of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 527: 31-45

Adams, H. E., Crump, B. C.,and G. W. Kling. 2015. Isolating the effects of storm events on arctic aquatic bacteria: temperature, nutrients, and community composition as controls on bacterial productivity. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:250, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00250

Lee, D. Y., M. S. Owens, M. Doherty, E. M. Eggleston, I. Hewson, B. C. Crump, and J. C. Cornwell. 2015. The Effects of Oxygen Transition on Community Respiration and Potential Chemoautotrophic Production in a Seasonally Stratified Anoxic Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 38(1):104-117

Eggleston, E. M, Lee, D. Y., Owens, M. S., Cornwell, J. C., Crump, B. C., and I. Hewson. 2015. Key respiratory genes elucidate bacterial community respiration in a seasonally anoxic estuary. Environmental Microbiology DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12690

Shaw, K. S., A. R.,Sapkota, J. M. Jacobs, X. He, and B. C. Crump. 2015. Recreational Swimmers’ Exposure to Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticusin the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA.  Environment International 74:99-105. (


Cory, R. M., C. P. Ward, B. C. Crump, and G. W. Kling. 2014. Sunlight controls water column processing of carbon in arctic fresh waters. Science 345:925-928. (

Satinsky, B, B. C. Crump, C. B. Smith, S. Sharma, B. Zielinski, M. Doherty, J. Meng, S. Sun, P. Medeiros, J. H. Paul, V. Coles, P. L. Yager, and M. A. Moran. 2014. Microspatial gene expression patterns in the Amazon River Plume. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 111:11085-11090, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1402782111. (

Shaw, K. S., J. M. Jacobs, and B. C. Crump. 2014. Impact of Hurricane Irene on Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus concentrations in surface water, sediment, and cultured oysters in the Chesapeake Bay, MD, USA. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:204. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00204. (

Cameron, K. A., B. Hagedorn, M. Dieser, B. C. Christner, K. Choquette, R. Sletten, B. Crump, C. Kellogg, and K. Junge. 2014. Diversity and potential sources of microbiota associated with snow on western portions of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Environmental Microbiology. (

Satinsky, B., B. Zielinski, M. Doherty, C. Smith, S. Sharma, J. Paul, B. Crump, and M. Moran. 2014. The Amazon continuum dataset: quantitative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic inventories of the Amazon River plume, June 2010. Microbiome 2:17. (

Lee, D. Y., M. S. Owens, M. Doherty, E. M. Eggleston, I. Hewson, B. C. Crump, and J. C. Cornwell. 2014. The Effects of Oxygen Transition on Community Respiration and Potential Chemoautotrophic Production in a Seasonally Stratified Anoxic Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts:1-14. (

Shaw, K. S., R. E. Rosenberg Goldstein, X. He, J. M. Jacobs, B. C. Crump, and A. R. Sapkota. 2014. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus recovered from recreational and commercial areas of Chesapeake Bay and Maryland Coastal Bays. PLOS One 9(2):e89616, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089616. (

Adams, H. E., B. C. Crump, and G. W. Kling. 2014. Metacommunity dynamics of bacteria in a freshwater lake; the role of species sorting and mass effects.  Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology 5:82, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00082. (

Hewson I, E. Eggleston, M. Doherty, D. Y. Lee, M. Owens, J. P. Shipleigh, J. C. Cornwell, and B. C. Crump. 2014. Metatranscriptomic analyses of plankton communities inhabiting surface and sub-pycnocline waters of the Chesapeake Bay during oxic-anoxic-oxic transitions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80:328-338, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02680-13. (

Kling, G. W., H. E. Adams, N. D. Bettez, W. B. Bowden, B. C. Crump, A. . Giblin, K. E. Judd, K. Keller, G. W. Kipphut, and E. R. Rastetter. 2014. Land–Water Interactions. Alaska’s Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams, and Lakes. In: Hobbie J. E., Kling G. W. (eds) Alaska’s Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams, and Lakes. Oxford University Press, New York

Luecke, C., A. E. Giblin, N. D. Bettez, G. A. Burkart, B. C. Crump, M. A. Evans, G. Gettel, S. MacIntyre, W. J. O’Brien, and P. A. Rublee. 2014. The Response of Lakes Near the Arctic LTER to Environmental Change. In: Hobbie J. E., Kling G. W. (eds) Alaska’s Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams, and Lakes. Oxford University Press, New York

Satinsky, B. M., S. M. Gifford, B. C. Crump, and M. A. Moran. 2013. Use of internal standards for quantitative metatranscriptome and metagenome analysis. Methods in Enzymology 531:237-250 (

Fortunato, C. S., Eiler, A., Herfort, L., Needoba, J. A., Peterson, T. D., and B. C. Crump. 2013. Determining indicator taxa across spatial and seasonal gradients in the Columbia River coastal margin.  The ISME Journal 7:1899-1911, doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.79. (

Malpezzi, M. M., L. P. Sanford, and B. C. Crump. 2013.  Transparent Exopolymer Particles in the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 486:23–35. (

Cory R. M., Crump B. C., Dobkowski J. A, and G. W. Kling. 2013. Surface exposure to sunlight stimulates CO2 release from permafrost soil carbon in the Arctic. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1214104110. (

Lee, D.Y., D. P. Keller, B. C. Crump, and R. R. Hood (2012) Community metabolism and energy transfer in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 449:65-82. (

Herfort, L., T. D. Peterson, F. G. Prahl, L. A. McCue, J. Needoba, B. C. Crump, G. C. Roegner, V. Campbell, and P. Zuber. 2012. Red waters of Myrionecta rubraare biogeochemical hotspots for the Columbia River estuary with impacts on primary/secondary productions and nutrient cycles.  Estuaries and Coasts 35(3):878-891. (

Larouche, J. R., Bowden, W. B., Giordano, R., Flinn, M. B., and B. C. Crump.  2012. Microbial biogeography of arctic streams: exploring influences of lithology and habitat. Frontiers in Microbiology 3:309. DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2012.00309. (

Crump, B. C., L. A. Amaral-Zettler, G. W. Kling. 2012. Microbial diversity in arctic freshwaters is structured by inoculation of microbes from soils. ISME Journal 6:1629-1639. (

Fortunato,C. S., L. Herfort, P. Zuber, A. M. Baptista, and B. C. Crump.  2012. Spatial variability overwhelms seasonal patterns in bacterioplankton communities across a river to ocean gradient.  The ISME Journal 6:554-563. (

Crump, B. C., H. W. Ducklow, and J. E. Hobbie. 2012. Estuarine Microbial Food Webs. In: Estuarine Ecology. In: Day, J. W., B. C. Crump, W. M. Kemp, A. Yanez-Arancibia (eds.). Estuarine Ecology, 2nded. Wiley Interscience.

Day, J. W., A. Yanez-Arancibia,W. M. Kemp, and B. C. Crump. 2012. Introduction to Estuarine Ecology, Second Edition. In: Day, J. W., B. C. Crump, W. M. Kemp, A. Yanez-Arancibia (eds.). Estuarine Ecology, 2nded. Wiley Interscience

Fortunato, C. S., and B. C. Crump.  2011.  Bacterioplankton community variation along river to ocean environmental gradients. Microbial Ecology 62:374-382. (

Herfort, L, T. Peterson, L. A. McCue, B. C. Crump, F. G. Prahl, A. M. Baptista, V. Campbell, R. Warnick, M. Selby, G. C. Roegner, and P. Zuber.  2011.  Myrionecta rubra population genetic diversity and its cryptophyte chloroplast specificity in recurrent red tides in the Columbia River estuary.  Aquatic Microbial Ecology 62:85-97 doi: 10.3354/ame01460. (

Smit, M. W.,  L. Herfort, K. Tyrol, D. Suciu, V. Campbell, B. C. Crump, T. D. Peterson, P. Zuber, A. M. Baptista, and H. M. Simon.  2010.  Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns Across Salinity Gradients of the Columbia River Coastal Margin.  PLOS One 5(10): e13312. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013312. (

Breitburg, D. L., B. C. Crump, J. O. Dabiri, and C. Gallegos. 2010. Ecosystem engineers in the pelagic realm: alteration of habitatby species ranging from microbes to jellyfish.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 50:188-200. (

Adams, H. E., B. C. Crump, and G. W. Kling. 2010. Temperature controls on aquatic bacterial production and community dynamics in arctic lakes and streams. Environmental Microbiology 12:1319-1333. (


Crump, B. C., B. J. Peterson, P. A. Raymond, R. M. W. Amon, A. Rinehart, J. W. McClelland, and R. M. Holmes. 2009. Circumpolar Synchrony in Big River Bacterioplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106(50):21208–21212. (

Bowen, J. L., B. C. Crump, L. A. Deegan, and J. E. Hobbie. 2009. Biogeography of salt marsh sediment bacteria and response to external nitrogen inputs as measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.  The ISME Journal 3:924-934. (

Bowen, J. L., B. C. Crump, L. A. Deegan and J. E. Hobbie.  2009.  Increased supply of ambient nitrogen has minimal effect on salt marsh bacterial production.  Limnology and Oceanography 54: 713-722. (

Crump, B. C., and E. W. Koch. 2008. Attached Bacterial Populations Shared by Four Species of Aquatic Angiosperms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:5948-5957. (

Crump, B. C., C. Peranteau, B. Beckingham, and J. C. Cornwell. 2007. Respiratory succession and community succession of bacterioplankton in seasonally anoxic estuarine waters.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:6802-6810. (

Crump, B. C., H. E. Adams, J. E. Hobbie, and G. W. Kling. 2007. Biogeography of freshwater bacterioplankton in lakes and streams of an Arctic tundra catchment. Ecology 88:1365-1378. (

Judd, K. E., B. C. Crump, and G. W. Kling. 2007. Bacterial responses in activity and community composition to photo-oxidation of dissolved organic matter from soil and surface waters.  Aquatic Sciences 69:96-107. (

Kan J., B. C. Crump, K. Wang, and F. Chen. 2006. Bacterioplankton community in Chesapeake Bay: Predictable or random assemblages. Limnology and Oceanography 51:2157-2169. (

Judd, K. E., B. C. Crump, and G. W.  Kling. 2006. Variation in dissolved organic matter controls bacterial production and community composition. Ecology 87:2068-2079. (

Crump B. C., and J. E. Hobbie. 2005. Synchrony and seasonality in bacterioplankton diversity of two temperate rivers.  Limnology and Oceanography 50:1718-1729. (

Bahr, M., B. C. Crump, J. E. Hobbie, and A. Teske. 2005. Molecular characterization of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes during an annual cycle in a New England salt marsh. Environmental Microbiology 7(8):1175-1185. (

Crump, B. C., C. S. Hopkinson, M. L. Sogin, and J. E. Hobbie. 2004.  Microbial biogeography along an estuarine salinity gradient: the combined influences of bacterial growth and residence time. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:1494-1505.(

Klepac-CerajV., M. Bahr, B. C. Crump, A. P. Teske, J. E. Hobbie, and M. F. Polz. 2004. Large-scale analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences reveals high diversity and unexpected dominance of d-proteobacterial SRB-like sequences in salt marsh sediment.  Environmental Microbiology 6:686-698. (

Zwart G., E. J. van Hannen, A. P. Kamst-van Agterveld,K. van der Gucht, E. S. Lindström, J. Van Wichelen, T. Lauridsen, B. C. Crump, S. K. Han,and S. Declerck. 2003. Rapid screening for freshwater bacterial groups using reverse line blot hybridization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69: 5875-5883.  (

Crump, B. C., M. Bahr, G. W. Kling, and J. E. Hobbie. 2003. Bacterioplankton community shifts in an arctic lake correlate with seasonal changes in organic matter source. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:2253-2268.  (

Levine, U. Y., and B. C. Crump. 2002. Bacterioplankton community composition in flowing waters of the Ipswich River watershed.  Biological Bulletin 203:251-252.  (

Zwart G., B. C. Crump, M. P. Kamst-van Agterveld, F. Hagen, and S. K. Han. 2002. Typical freshwater bacteria: an analysis of available 16S rRNA gene sequences from plankton of freshwater lakes and rivers. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 28:141-155. (

Crump, B. C., and J. A. Baross. 2000. Characterization of the bacterially-active particle fraction in the Columbia River estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 206:13-22.  (

Crump, B. C., and J. A. Baross. 2000. Archaeaplankton in the Columbia River, its estuary, and the adjacent coastal ocean, USA.  FEMS Microbiology Ecology 31:231-239. (


Crump, B. C., E. V. Armbrust, and J.A. Baross. 1999. Phylogenetic analysis of particle-attached and free-living bacterial communities in the Columbia River, its estuary, and the adjacent coastal ocean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65:3192-3204. (

Hopkinson, C., I. Buffam, J. Hobbie, J. Vallino, M. Perdue, B. Eversmeyer, F. Prahl, J. Covert, R. Hodson, M. A. Moran, E. Smith, J. Baross, B. Crump, S. Findlay, and K. Foreman. 1998. Terrestrial inputs of organic matter to coastal ecosystems: an intercomparison of chemical characteristics and bioavailability. Biogeochemistry 43:211-234. (

Prahl, F. G., L. F. Small, B. A. Sullivan, J. Cordell, C. A. Simenstad, B. C. Crump, and J. A. Baross. 1998. Biogeochemical gradients in the lower Columbia River. Hydrobiologia 361:37-52. (

Crump, B. C., J. A. Baross, and C. A. Simenstad. 1998. Dominance of particle-attached bacteria in the Columbia River estuary, USA. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 14:7-18.  (

Crump, B. C., and J. A. Baross. 1996. Particle-attached bacteria and heterotrophic plankton associated with the Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 138:265-273. (

Baross, J. A., B. C. Crump, and C. A. Simenstad. 1994. Elevated ‘microbial loop’ activities in the Columbia River estuarine turbidity maximum. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ (eds.) Changes in fluxes in estuaries: Implications from science to management (ECSA/ERF symposium, Plymouth, September 1992).  Olsen & Olsen, Fredenborg, Denmark, p 459-464.

Pledger, R. J., B. C. Crump, and J. A. Baross. 1994. A barophilic response by two hyperthermophilic, hydrothermal vent Archaea: An upward shift in the optimal temperature and acceleration of growth rate at supra-optimal temperatures by elevated pressure. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 14:233-242.  (

Erauso G., A.-L. Reysenbach, A. Godfroy, J.-R. Meunier, B. Crump, F. Partensky, J. A. Baross, V. Marteinsson, G. Barbier, N. R. Pace, and D. Prieur. 1993. Pyrococcus abyssi sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Archives of Microbiology 160:338-349.

Baross,  J. A., J. F. Holden, R. J. Pledger, B. C. Crump, and M. Summit. 1993. Submarine vent archaea: ecology and strategies for growth above 90°C. Proceedings of the International Summer Seminar on Deep-sea microorganisms. Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Deep Star Group, JAMSTEC.


Microbial Ecology and Oceanography