“Business Matters” Produces Print Edition with “Oregon Stater”

We’ve shared major College of Business milestones with you in prior issues of Business Matters, the digital, bi-monthly alumni newsletter we launched last fall.

This fall, our humble newsletter reached a milestone of its own: a print-edition insert place inside the university’s Oregon Stater magazine that reached all of our beaver alumni directly to their mailboxes.

We hope you had a chance to check it out — we’ve covered the stories of one of our exceptional baseball players, MBA student Max Engelbrekt, our Hall of Fame alumna, Jackie Swint, our Hollywood screenwriter, Mike Rich and much, much more.

You can download a PDF of our print magazine at the Business Matters web page, and check out the full year’s storyboard of college and alumni news.

Here, we are updating you with feature stories about Fridays in Austin, the program we launched in 2016 which continues to bring back our alumni and business professionals to engage with our students; we are describing Innovation Nation, our freshmen living-learning community, and sharing the many great stories of our people.

We’ll be printing again in Spring 2018 with Oregon Stater. Please look for our insert then. Otherwise, look for Business Matters reaching you via email. We would love to hear your feedback and ideas on your magazine, so please drop us a email with your thoughts.

(If you are not on our email distribution list, you can join here!)