Please review these important informational updates about our academic program. As always, if you have questions, please get in touch with us in advising.
Great news! BA 407 Section 002, Intro to Mentoring and Coaching, is now open to all majors with senior standing for registration! This fall term course (CRN 25776) offers a unique opportunity to help others, develop valuable skills, and gain course credit. The class seeks business seniors to mentor and coach second-year business students to enhance their experience and help them to prepare to be admitted to Pro-School.
The class is spread out over a full academic year beginning with a two credit course in the fall that offers a theory-based overview of mentoring and coaching along with hands-on opportunities to apply what they are learning by leading discussions with second-year students on topics such as leadership, teams, etc. Students will continue to apply their new knowledge and skills over the winter and spring terms by leading one-hour discussions with small groups of second-year students. Upon completion, students will have accumulated 4 credit hours to apply toward their elective credits. Management majors may use those four credits to satisfy the elective portion of their major requirements. Questions? Please contact Professor Paterson at
Students admitted into the accountancy major summer 2017 forward will have the benefit of a new curriculum. To see those requirements, run a “What If” query in MyDegrees for the 2017-18 academic year. New scheduling guides for 2017-18 will soon be available online and in the advising office.
New scheduling guides for 2017-18 will soon be available online and in the advising office.
Students interested in Apparel Design should register for DSGN 226 (offered fall term only). Students interested in Interior Design should register for DSGN 287 (fall term only). Students interested in Merchandising Management should register for DSGN 276 (winter only). All pre-design program students should plan on taking DSGN 221 (F, W, S), DSGN 244 (F, W), DSGN 255 (fall only), and DSGN 281 (F, W, S).
Please note that BA 464, Venture Management, a required course for your major will be offered FALL TERM 2017. This is a change from last year. Be sure to enroll! New scheduling guides for the 2017-18 academic year will soon be available online and in the advising office.
You will see FIN 440, Fixed Income Securities, on the fall schedule. Pre-reqs include FIN 341 and 342 with a C- or higher. This class will count for one of your finance electives, but an exception in MyDegrees will need to be made, so check in with your advisor. NOTE: Fixed Income Securities was also taught fall 2016 as a FIN 499 course with Professor Shao. If you completed that particular section of FIN 499, do not take FIN 440. New scheduling guides for the 2017-18 academic year will soon be available online and in the advising office.
Students accepted into the Management major summer 2017 forward will find an experiential opportunity woven into their requirements. Updated scheduling guides and requirements will soon be available online and in the advising office. **See note above regarding new mentoring opportunity!**
Students accepted into the marketing major summer 2017 forward should take MRKT 390 fall term rather than BA 390. MRKT 390 is a new class and may not have been included in prior program plans. We are also planning to teach one section of this class in winter 2018. If you have already completed BA 390, there is no need to take MRKT 390.
BA 253 was a required course for all pre-business students. However, that four-credit class will be replaced by BA 281, 3 credits plus a separate 1 credit section, i.e. BA 282, BA 283 or BA 284. If you were planning to take BA 253 in the fall and it is not on the schedule, register instead for BA 281 (3 credits) and 282 (1 credit). Appropriate classes will be offered winter and spring as well. BA 233 was also most likely included in your prior program plans. Please plan to enroll in BA 230 rather than BA 233. You may enroll into section 2 or 3 of BA 230, offered fall term. Section ONE is reserved for our Business and Entrepreneurship Minor students.
Questions? Contact your advisor.