Maria Jimenez just graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Business Management, officially joining the ranks of our impressive alumni network. Jimenez is quite impressive herself, having worked incredibly hard to complete her degree while also engaging in extracurricular activities like the Dean’s Student Leadership Circle and supporting her family by working long hours on the weekends.
We’re so proud of and impressed by Maria that we featured her on our blog last November. Now that she’s graduated, we wanted to catch up with Maria on her post-graduation plans. Read her answers below and join us in congratulating Maria on a job incredibly well done!
Now that you’ve completed your undergrad, what are your post-graduation plans?
I’ll be working with Intel Corp. as an intern for 6 months, and am hoping to land a full-time job at the end of my internship.
Did you complete any internships while attending OSU?
I did not complete an internship because of time constraints. I’m a mother of four and worked 20 hours a week during the weekends, all while enrolled full-time in classes at OSU. There was really no time in between for me to do an internship, but I did get a lot of experience while working at my current job. I was able to connect my work experience with the classes I was taking. Theories and concepts made more sense, and the subjects we were studying became more interesting. I started my internship with Intel Corp. in mid-June and my first assignment is to become a program analyst, then later to become a program manager. I’m very happy to be given this opportunity, and am very grateful and excited to work at Intel. I’ve built all this momentum during my undergrad, and now it’s time for me to shine and bring value to the organization while taking care of my family and enjoying life.
What advice would you give current and future College of Business students about how to be successful in their program and in seeking a job?
I would tell students not to waste their precious time and to use it wisely towards their professional development, as well as networking with other students and professionals. It’s vital to see an adviser on a consistent basis to help guide students appropriately. Getting involved with the university overall and participating in extracurricular activities is highly beneficial. Not only that, but being involved in student organizations will enhance their abilities and will be great experience to add to their résumés. Also, taking advantage of all the resources that are available to students that will help them get a job and connect with employers, such as attending career fairs, utilizing resources at the Career Success Center, and talking to and developing a relationship with advisers and professors.
How did the the services at the Career Success Center help you prepare to enter the job market?
I used Beaver Job Net regularly and took advantage of all the workshops they offered. I attended the résumé and cover letter workshop, mock interviews and info sessions, and they all greatly helped me prepare for job interviews. The workshops are very beneficial because they go deep into the details of all the important things that employers look for in a résumé, as well as how an interview is conducted. I learned how to compose myself during an interview, how to professionally dress, and even how to shake hands. The first career fair that I attended, I only observed how others were presenting themselves to employers, because I did not know what to do. However, after attending the workshops, I was able to learn more details on how to approach potential employers.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I would like to have the power to make a difference and transform people in any way, shape or form, like using a magic wand and… poof… transformation is done!
How would you have used your superpower of transformation while getting your degree?
If I had the ability to use it while getting my degree, I would transform people’s brain capacities to make them similar to today’s computing technology in a blink of an eye. I could give them or myself the ability to learn more than what we are currently capable of; such as being able to speak, read and write in multiple languages, the ability to learn and master various disciplines at once, etc. Ultimately, it could expand the brain’s power to an unthinkable level.
What is your favorite thing about Corvallis?
I don’t have one particular favorite thing. I just like everything; the atmosphere, downtown, the parks, the riverside, and of course: Oregon State!
What’s your favorite thing about OSU’s campus?
I like the brick buildings all over campus. I just love it! And the library is like home to me. I know almost every corner of it.
If you knew you were leaving Corvallis for good, where would you go for your last meal here? What would you order?
I would dine at Southside Station at Arnold. I’m not sure what I would order, but something grilled. But for sure I would get a caramel latte at Java II and walk outside the library for one last time.