College of Business shines in Dancing with the OSU Stars
Thursday night the College of Business showed it could hang with the top movers and shakers at Oregon State, with three participants in the third annual Dancing with the OSU Stars.
The COB connections included MBA candidate Wenmin Wang, School of Design and Human Environment student and President of Kappa Kappa Gamma Lauren Greenlees and College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge. The event was also organized by a College of Business project management class.
Congratulations to everyone involved, it was a great night for Oregon State and the College of Business.
Wenmin Wang and partner are introduced.
Lauren Greenlees is introduced to the audience.
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge dancing a waltz to “So This is Love.”
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge dancing a waltz to “So This is Love.”
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge dancing a waltz to “So This is Love.”
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge dancing a waltz to “So This is Love.”
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge dancing a waltz to “So This is Love.”
College of Business Dean Ilene Kleinsorge awaits the judges.
Wenmin Wang dancing West Coast Swing to “Mad.”
Lauren Greenlees dancing the rumba to “Lady in Red.”
Lauren Greenlees dancing the rumba to “Lady in Red.”