College of Business faculty add to impressive list of research

Every year the faculty at the College of Business produce many great pieces of research, from how the perception of a brand’s identity can help or hurt it in a crisis to how our jobs can change our moral decision making or when entrepreneurs should move to a new venture.

Today we wanted to take a moment and recognize some of the great work produced or honored just this past academic term and highlight the amazing faculty we have at the College of Business. Below is a selection of the work that has been published or accepted for publication over the past few months.

  • Management Instructor Jennifer Mower and School of Design  and Human Environment Associate Professor Elaine Pedersen’s paper “Pretty and Patriotic; Women’s Consumption of Apparel During World War II” was accepted in Dress. The Dress is a scholarly, refereed publication dedicated to issues related to the cultural/historical aspects of dress. It is considered one of the premiere academic journals in the area of dress.
  • Pedersen and SDHE Professor Leslie Burns paper “Apparel design research: Involving undergraduate students.” Was accepted in The International Journal of Design Education. The Journal is one of six thematically focused journals in the family of journals that support the Design Principles and Practices knowledge community. The journal explores aspects of learning to become a designer and to develop modes of “design thinking.” It examines pedagogies of engagement with design purposes, designed objects, and design.
  • Pedersen and three graduate students from the School of Design and Human Environment had their paper “An Exploration of Design Students’ Inspiration Process” accepted in College Student Journal. College Student Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original investigations and theoretical papers dealing with college student values, attitudes, opinions, and learning.
  • Pedersen’s “Comparing words with works: A study of Pugin’s St. Augustine’s church” was accepted in Journal of Interior Design. The Journal of Interior Design is a scholarly, refereed publication dedicated to issues related to the design of the interior environment. It is considered one of the premier scholarly interior design journals.
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing Colleen Bee’s manuscript “Consumer Uncertainty: The Influence of Anticipatory Emotions on Ambivalence, Attitudes, and Intentions” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Behavior (JCB). Published by Wiley, JCB aims to promote the understanding of consumer behavior, consumer research and consumption through the publication of double-blind peer-reviewed, top quality theoretical and empirical research.
  • Global Business Analysis Assistant Professor Inara Scott’s “Dancing Backward in High Heels: Examining and Addressing the Disparate Regulatory Treatment of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources”  was accepted in Environmental Law Review. Published by the Lewis & Clark Law School, Environmental Law Review is the nation’s oldest law review dedicated solely to environmental issues.
  • Also Scott’s paper “Creating a 21st Century Public Utility Commission” won the Best Paper Award at the 2013 Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business (WALSB) annual conference.
  • Strategy and Entrepreneurship Assistant Professor Bobby Garrett and co-author Dan Holland’s paper “Entrepreneurs’ start-up decisions versus persistence decisions: A look at expectancy and value” was accepted in International Small Business Journal (ISBJ).  Published by Sage, ISBJ  publishes the highest quality original research papers on small business and entrepreneurship.
  • SDHE Associate Professor Seunghae Lee’s paper “Wayfinding Aids for Older Adults” was published in the International Journal of Design in Society, one of six thematically focused journals in the family of journals that support the Design Principles and Practices knowledge community. The journal traverses a broad sweep to construct a trans-disciplinary dialogue that encompasses the perspectives and practices of various design disciplines.
  • Finance Associate Professor Jimmy Yang’s article “The choice between rights and underwritten equity offerings: Evidence from Chinese stock markets” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Multinational Financial Management (JMFM).  Published by Elsevier, this journal’s aim is to publish rigorous, original articles dealing with the management of the multinational enterprise.
  • Marketing Assistant Professor Marina Puzakova’s paper “The Connubial Relationship between Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation” was accepted in Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice (JMTP).  Published by M. E. Sharpe (in conjunction with the Society for Marketing Advances), JMTP was created in 1993 to provide an outlet for quality scholarly research across a broad range of marketing subjects – with the important caveat that tying the work to managerial application is essential for publication.
  • SDHE Associate Dean Minjeong Kim received the L. L Stewart Scholars Award, recognizing outstanding faculty at Oregon State University and providing resources to stimulate creative advancements in teaching, research, and extended education.  The theme of the award is to support creativity and innovation among the university’s top scholars and is supported by an endowment established by L.L. Stewart. This award provides $30,000 in financial support for faculty selected as a Stewart Scholar.

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