While all Oregon State College of Business students face pressure during finals week — studying for exams, finishing up projects and actually taking those dreaded finals — graphic design sophomores have a different type of challenge.
To gain acceptance to the School of Design and Human Environment professional school as graphic design majors, students must pass through a selective and competitive process, capped off by a portfolio review at the end of fall term their sophomore year. That work is displayed and presented — this year at the LaSells Stewart Center on Dec. 5 — for review by faculty students and loved ones.
Over the course of the term students were given specific tasks — illustrate a moment from his or her life, create packaging for a product, a book cover, and other assignments — that were brought together and displayed.
Ayman Alabduljabbar said he enjoyed having his work shown and the feedback he got watching people move through the halls.
“It’s a great feeling to be honest,” Alabduljabbar said. “It’s reaffirming for any student who put tiome and effort into pieces to see people respond.”