2018 BSPS

2018 BSPS Workshop

The inaugural BSPS was a successful event. We had nearly 60 participants for this 2-day program and 100% of registrants attended. During the program, we hosted an experienced & knowledgeable team of speakers who presented in the categories of seafood utilization, innovation, & compliance as related to seafood quality issues. Included with the program were 3 hands-on training sessions: lab equipment, sanitation, bacteria testing. About 30 attendees participated in the training sessions. Thank you to all sponsors, speakers, Seafood Products Association and OSU Seafood Lab staff who are responsible for the success of the BSPS.


Attendees also enjoyed dinner and networking during the Wednesday night event. Chef Chris Holen and the Baked Alaska staff catered the event. Angee Hunt, along with Virginia Ng from SPA (Seafood Products Association) and Chef Beau Hogge were collaborators in presenting CHOPPED TRIVIA. This was a team competition between The Blue Fins, Sockeye and The Green Mean Salmon Machine. Teams were determined based on selection of either a red, blue, or green place setting, which included a coordinating TEAM BSPS ball cap. After teams were determined, members divided into “thinkers” and “doers”. The thinkers then participated in 3 rounds of trivia questions (10 questions each) while the doers prepared 2 rounds of chopped using communal black box ingredients: soup/salad round followed by the entree round. Scores were combined to determine the competition winner. At the end of the night, The Green Mean Salmon Machine team was crowned the 2018 BSPS CHOPPED TRIVIA champion (wear your aprons proudly ?)

Team #1 The Green Mean Salmon Machine

Team #2 Sockeye

Team #3 The Blue Fin



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